PSA: Banebots as replacement for FP motor

Being worried about breaking our FPs early with no spares, I looked into the motors that came with our 64:1 gearboxes some more. The same 550 that came in the kit. They are not an exact match, but are very similar to the FP in terms of performance.

For now, we will run our arm with two 550s and swap for FPs later.

So, at a regional and need to replace a burned out FP? A 550 will do the trick. you could even run a 550 paired with a FP (not the best match, but it will do) in a pinch to replace a dual FP setup.

With the lack of FP spares readily available, this could save a lot of teams in a pinch. I know I’ll make 973 bring all our 550 (we have 5-6) motors to our regionals for teams to use.

I like all of your reasoning and especially your GP offer for spares. I don’t want any teams who read this note to get the impression that you can use two BB 550 motors on their robot. The KOP only included a single BB 550 motor:eek: The second BB motor is the 540. So as you suggest, the BB 550 might be able to substitute for a FP motor that breaks in competition and only if you are not already using it on your robot for another mechanism.:slight_smile:


Hey, Adam, don’t forget the Spare Parts booth! They should have FPs, gearboxes and all. (And how long does it take to remove an FP from its gearbox?)

if I remember correctly I read somewhere I think the most recent team updaelte said ifi will stock FPs soon. I’m on my phone so I can’t check but I’ll look as soon as I can.

I just checked team update 5 and it says first is working with FP to get some spares at IFI

You’re only allowed to use a single Banebots RS550. Only one is provided - and it isn’t in the list of additionally allowed motors.

Yes, I’m well aware of that. I think a majority of teams will not be using two FPs and a 550. this is to help the teams in that situation.

If are are referring to 973 running two 550’s for now, that is to keep our FPs nice and new; we won’t run during the season like that.

Still pointing to Team Update 5 IFI should be selling FPs within the week