PSA: Default NEO/SparkMax velocity readings are still bad for flywheels

I’ve been coaching 449 through some signal integrity issues with their flywheels, and in the process we generated a pretty telling plot re: the default velocity filtering settings on the NEO:

The blue value is a REV through-bore encoder wired to the RIO w/ 1x decoding and 127 samplesToAverage. The red is the reported velocity from the spark max. Notice the substantial signal degradation due to the aggressive smoothing used by the default settings.

You can improve this modestly by changing the filtering settings, but this will come at the cost of noise and can only do so much.

A better solution is to use an external encoder. Please be aware, though, that the REV thru-bore encoder is a very poor choice for an external flywheel encoder with a NEO, since it is too high-resolution for the the alternate encoder pins on the Spark to decode it at high velocity.

Please choose your sensors wisely!


Have you found values for the Spark MAX filtering parameters that better balance response time and noise to improve controllability in this low-mass flywheel application?

No, we chose to use an external encoder rather than try to squeeze water out of the metaphorical rock there.

There are only four different values of the setting to play with, iirc, so it can’t take much time to find out.

For this particular application is there a specific encoder you would recommend?

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The AMT-103 is cheap, thru-bore, and has programmable resolution.


Would the rev through bore encoder be a viable option if wired directly to the Rio DIO?

If you adjust the settings to deal with the discretization noise, yes.

I would take it this doesn’t apply to the Vortex+Flex with its higher CPR encoder?

Maybe? I don’t know what the default settings are for the vortex/flex - it’s conspicuously absent from the current API docs, except for a few undocumented JNI handles. Maybe someone from REV could clarify.

The sensor is higher quality on the vortex, but if the firmware uses the same default settings then it won’t matter unless you change them. Changing the filtering settings for the ordinary NEO is only possible through the hardware client right now, as far as I’m aware, so it might be the same case with the vortex. Pure speculation until REV documents what’s going on.

At least for Max/NEO:


Last year for MAXSwerve drive motors we set values of 16 and 2 respectively.

Was there a recent change that unified handling of external and hall effect encoders in the API? I remember they were separate previously, because the structure of the filter was fundamentally different.

What exactly does average depth do? I understand measurement period but I’m still not fully sure what average depth is. I don’t think it can be how many samples are in a measurement period since either the # of samples or the measurement period must be variable to get a velo reading. What exactly does the average depth do?

Ok after posting this I have another guess. Is it how many measurements it does and averages them? i.e. 4 samples of measurement period time period each, averaged to get velocity?

I doubt this will be a big deal for this year’s game, since only one note can be shot at a time and most teams probably won’t need such tight control over their shooter velocity

Consistency is consistency, no matter how many objects you’re shooting.


Correct me if I’m wrong but with decent controls it should still reach the setpoint, just will take a little longer.

Depending on your flywheel’s mass, it can take a lot longer. See the following post’s results for 3512’s 2020 flywheel:

At least the filter settings are configurable now; they weren’t at the time I wrote that post.


If your signal delay is long compared to the system time constant then you cannot do meaningful feedback while remaining stable. If open loop is good enough, then it doesn’t matter.


These APIs are what we used last year.

From the API:

This value sets the number of samples in the average for velocity readings.

Correct, this was added for the 2023 season.

Those aren’t new parameters though; that’s the api handle for external encoders. I’m confused as to if/when REV unified the filter structure between quadrature encoders and NEO Hall effect sensors.

It might have been during the refactor to support spark flex. I know that hall sensor, alternate encoder, and the Flex “external encoder” all extend SparkRelativeEncoder now.

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