Hello all,
I am a teacher with team 4311. Currently at my HS we offer a FRC class called engineering apps that touches on the basics of things like programming, CAD, and the engineering design process. Unfortunately it does not get far enough in depth on the programming side for students to be able to jump in and write the programming for the robot without doing work on their own. The school wants me to create a programming course that focuses on this and I am looking for advice on what robot kits to purchase. Ideally it would use vs-code/ give the students an outlet that filters into working with the RoboRio. Thoughts?
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Your best bet is the Romi. It uses WPILib, just like (I assume) your real robots will.
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Romis are great resources for this. @veg can tell you more about them, but they are this small robot platform that is essentially coded the same as a kitbit. Would recommend.
Edit: sniped by seconds
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I’m not sure if this will be available for the upcoming school year, but this looks promising:
There’s also the Romi, but it requires a Raspberry Pi SBC (not a Pico) which are hard to get ahold of at the moment.
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