Gary’s comment that he thought he had read the post but that it is now gone led me to take another approach… Due to the magic of the Google Cache, I have now been able to view the contents of the thread that now has access denied. I wonder if the GDC is rethinking their answer to this, or if it is just a forums bug?
A Google Search for “Mechanisms Extending Past Frame Perimeter” will provide an option to view the cached page:
Old 01-14-2011, 04:05 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 2
Mechanisms Extending Past Frame Perimeter
Though it is hinted throughout the manual that robot mechanisms may extend beyond the frame perimeter, for example an arm picking up a logo piece from the floor, it is not specifically allowed (as far as we can tell).
In fact, per our understanding of the rules, it is perhaps even illegal.
here is the reasoning:
- It seems that the FRAME PERIMETER is not defined in reference to the starting configuration, but in reference to the robot, implying that at any moment wrapping a string around a robot would represent it’s current FRAME PERIMETER.
- Bumper rules dictate that the FRAME PERIMETER must have full bumper coverage in the BUMPER ZONE.
- Any mechanism, say an arm, going for an object on the ground would enter the BUMPER ZONE.
- once it’s in the BUMPER ZONE, the FRAME PERIMETER now envelops the arm as well (wrap a string around the robot, it also wraps around the arm)
- the arm + chassis would need to conform to the bumper rules (i.e. HAVE bumpers, maintain bumper gaps, etc…)
- since the last point is impossible to conform to, especially with the ban on articulated or moving bumpers, picking up tube from the floor seems to be impossible to do legally.
Could you verify this, or make clear where the flaw in the above reasoning is?
Thank you very much.
-Team 2630
Old 01-15-2011, 02:45 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 2
Smile Mechanisms Extending Past Frame Perimeter
While in PLAYING CONFIGURATION, are MECHANISMS allowed to extend past the FRAME PERIMETER and into the planes of the BUMPER ZONE (i.e. touch the ground).
Wishing to get a clarification on this particular issue, not expressly prohibited or endorsed.
Old Yesterday, 11:02 AM
Game Design Committee
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2,487
Default Re: Mechanisms Extending Past Frame Perimeter
The FRAME PERIMETER is defined in the context of the fixed, unarticulated elements of the ROBOT (see Rule ). Mechanisms can extend horizontally beyond the FRAME PERIMETER and vertically through the BUMPER ZONE (but not the BUMPERS) as long as they do not violate any other constraints (e.g. the 84 inch cylindrical size limit).