Q&A Traction Question answer

traction questions


M17: robot wheels, tracks, and other parts intended to provide traction on the playing field (“traction devices”) may be purchased or fabricated. in no case, will traction devices that damage the carpet or other playing surfaces be permitted. traction devices may not have surface features such as metal or hard plastic studs, cleats, or other attachments. the other surface of off-the-shelf wheels may be modified by removing tread material only. in no case may a traction device protrued beyond the bottom surface of the Ramp mesh. gaining traciton by using adhesives or velcro-like fasteners material is not allowed.

ok… so i’ve got a few questions:

  1. if you have a foam thingy on the bottom of your wheels, and the weight of the robot presses it into the mesh so part of it protrudes through, is that in violation of the rules?

  2. i saw a robot last year that used a belt with metal upside-down ‘U’-shaped things to grab onto the carpet… that isn’t allowed this year, right?

  3. our mentor used some polyurethane foam stuff with some traction pattern cut out of it attached to their wheels last year. is that not allowed this year? it says that the outer surface of off-the-shelf wheels may be modified by removing tread material only.

  1. The answer to this is no. even if it is not damaging the field, it cannot protrude below the length of the bottom wire in the mesh.

  2. This is clearly illegal because in rule 9.6, DQ4 it states " Robot wheels, tank-type treads, etc., cannot contain any metal that contacts the capet… this will result in disqualification."

  3. If you are using a wheel that you bought, this would not be allowed. I am not quite sure what it is you are describing, but it cannot be put onto any wheel that you bought. However, if this material is on the additional hardware list, or it does not say anything that specifically prohibits this material, you may use it to cover wheels that you have made

Hope this helps


As long as you’re wheels don’t penetrate the wire mesh, you should be OK.

They want to prevent teams from making wheels that hook into the mesh, potentially breaking it.

As long as the metal “cleats” don’t penetrate or damage the carpet, it should be legal.

This rule needs clarification - all those things were allowed in the past, and I don’t see why wrapping timing belt aronud wheelchair wheels would be barred.

*Originally posted by Ben Mitchell *
**As long as the metal “cleats” don’t penetrate or damage the carpet, it should be legal. **

Metal cleats are not legal anymore.

Andy B.


What about timing belt wrapped around a wheelchair wheel?

*Originally posted by Ben Mitchell *

What about timing belt wrapped around a wheelchair wheel? **

*M17 Robot wheels, tracks and other parts intended to provide traction on the playing field (“traction devices”) may be purchased or fabricated. In no case, will traction devices
that damage the carpet or other playing surfaces be permitted. Traction devices may not have surface features such as metal or hard plastic studs, cleats or other attachments. The outer surface of off-the-shelf wheels may be modified by removing tread material only. In no case may a traction device protrude beyond the bottom surface of the Ramp mesh. *

According to this rule above you can NOT add material to the outside of Off-the-shelf (aka Skyway) wheels only remove it.
So the answer is NO.