Hey all. After the Silicon Valley Regional, I did some thinking, and thought about how I became the person I am today. If you remember my post in another thread, I mentioned the 2 friend who was there every time I needed, and I thought “hey, there must be many more people who made just as much of an impact to the FIRST-a-holics around the country”. So I thought I should start a thread about this… And here it is…
Question 03/31/03: Who have the most impact on you in this FIRST experience?
I’d have to say everybody who’s ever given suggestions, helped me test, or even just used the forums has impacted me. I’ve learned alot keeping the forums going, and wouldn’t know as much about web development as I do today without this place.
So, to answer the question, I’ve made a list of people. list here]
*Originally posted by Ken L *
**Question 03/31/03: Who have the most impact on you in this FIRST experience?
Have fun,
-Ken Leung **
That crazy FIRST-o-holic Ken Leung.
Someday when I finally growup (mentally) I want to be a FIRST-o-holic just like Ken L.
Where does he get all that energy, ideas and time?
Everyone who has even given a helping hand, takes time out of their own lives and invest it into FIRST, and team 356. Its teams like them that make FIRST what it is.
Paul Kane, my mentor from HS (team 250).
He’s been one of the few teachers that has been in this competition since the very beggining. I value everything he has, and continues to teach me.
Eric O’Brien, my roomate, and co-team leader of 229. When I came to Clarkson, he helped open my eyes to a whole different side of FIRST I just… hadn’t noticed in HS. His experiences on 177 were greatly different from mine, and when he shared them with me, I was changed. Although, I’m getting a little sick of hearing about that Bobcat 2001 season .
And for introducing me to The man, the myth, the legend… Tom Schindler… knowing Tom… has made me a better person :rolleyes:
All the great FIRST mentors and role models I have met. Many of the ones who post here. There are too many to list, and I don’t want to leave anyone out. Chance is… if you post on CD, you’ve had more of an effect on me than you realize.
Our team mom, Robomom, Dee Tomczak, for teaching us it isn’t just about the robot, it’s about the team and building the team. For keeping us from killing each other, keep us from floundering too bad, and always giving us the oppurtunity to shine. Without her, team 422 would not exist.
*Originally posted by Ken L *
I did some thinking, and thought about how I became the person I am today. Question 03/31/03: Who have the most impact on you in this FIRST experience?
-Ken Leung
On a serious note AND looking at it from the mentor/coach view, the “WHO” is really the NYC students that I have met while coaching and mentoring FIRST teams.
Especially rewarding were the 8+ rookie teams I coached in the past and present. FIRST students have so much energy in them. They are bright and full of great ideas. They have given me hope that there is life in the NYC Public school system.
I felt over the past 4 years I have motivates over 100+ students while working with FIRST Teams.
So I say NYC FIRST students are one who has made the most impact on me. (why else do I read CD and usfirst posting at 2:30 in the morning) Good luck to everyone at the National.
Paul Luffel, team captain and founder. Without him, none of this would have been possible.
Jay Sims, team freshman :D. The kid that’s been there at my side, keeping me from feeling stupid by learning with me.
Charles Copeland, our mentor. He’s been so great-- he’s tried to do as little work as he can on the bot, physically, but he challenges us to find solutions to any problems we find along the way. He shoots our ideas down (yes, that is a good thing… some of our ideas aren’t the brightest concepts ever) and helps keep us focused.
All three are great teachers, great students, and great friends. I love being around them, and we’ve all learned from each other.
I’ve (hopefully) got two more years with them before I’m not allowed to build, and then, many years of teamwork in mentoring students.
Man, there are so many people have truly inspired me I don’t know how I will possibly remember them all. I can say, however, that if it was not for my mother’s involvement with the organization who started it at Purdue, I would not have joined the team. Shannon Schnepp, of course, and Steve Hahn made it possible for all of us on 461 to be on a team, and Flo, one of our teachers, has bent over backwards for us numerous times. Matt Adams, one of the college advisors, is an amazing mentor and it’s awesome to notice how compassionate he is about the program.
Next year I will hopefully be a mentor–and hopefully the kids will be saying similar things about me. I’ve mentored a Lego League team, and let me just say that there is nothing like the satisfaction you get of knowing that you are adored for your knowledge in science and technology, and not in sports. It’s really a great feeling to know that you’ve made in impact on someone’s life, and FIRST gives everyone the opportunity to inspire someone else.