Qotw [04-14-03]: Do you want to do Qotw?

Hi all. I hope everyone had a great time at the championship event, because I sure did! It was very cool seeing FIRST working out at a place other than Disney… Hopefully the championship event next year will be bigger and better.

Anyway, as times goes on, one must pass on the torch so the fire can glow brighter and burn stronger. So, I here by request that people interested in doing the Question of the Week reply to this thread, and express interest and show that they can do the Qotw the best! Also, if you know anyone who can make the Qotw really good, feel free to reply and put their name up.


i didn’t even know that there was a question of the week but i am sure i will eventually be able to think of someone…

I’ll do it.
If no one else replies.


Wow, its been nearly two years since the QotW started. I must say you did an excelent job in holding up the tradition of the Question of the Week after I gave it up. Its a very hard thing to come up with all those crazy questions from week to week…in closing…you rule Ken…have a good one!

Congrats to all,
Andy Grady

I’d like to do it Ken. But man oh man, how time flies! I remember the first QotW…

I guess those frequent colds can really kill you… :wink:

I would also be interested in the position… although it looks like I would have some stiff competition!

sure, i volunteer :smiley:

I can do it, too.

(unless you think I’ll start too much trouble)


*Originally posted by M. Krass *
**I can do it, too.

(unless you think I’ll start too much trouble)

:slight_smile: **

Consider my vote for M.
I think he’ll have some interesting questions that will really make people think! His perspective on this competition is unique.

I’d do it, but it seems like the list of people better suited for the job goes out the door, and around the block.:smiley:

*Originally posted by JVN *
I’d do it, but it seems like the list of people better suited for the job goes out the door, and around the block.:smiley: **

Maybe the task should rotate on a weekly basis between a bunch of people.

*Originally posted by JVN *
I’d do it, but it seems like the list of people better suited for the job goes out the door, and around the block.:smiley: **

Same here. I could do it, but I’m probably not the best one for it…

I have been reminded by Ken that I actually volunteered to do this at nationals. Given that I’d somewhat forgotten already, I’m not sure if that indicates I’m the best person for the job or not.


i would do it but i havent been around the forums that much until recently(this year) so i duno if i would be qualified

*Originally posted by Andy Grady *

Wow, its been nearly two years since the QotW started. I must say you did an excelent job in holding up the tradition of the Question of the Week after I gave it up. Its a very hard thing to come up with all those crazy questions from week to week…in closing…you rule Ken…have a good one!

Congrats to all,
Andy Grady **

Thanks Andy :). You have no idea how much your old questions of the week saved me every time I ran out of ideas. Every time I can’t think of anything, all I had to do was search for “Question of the week!!!”, and see what the master did in the past :wink: (yes, you, Andy). You were my inspiration for many things, and I only hope I did the questions half as good as yours.

Anyway. With careful consideration, and different chats with the people interested, I’ve decided who is going to take on the responsibility of Qotw…

M. Krass, you will now be in charge of Question of the week, with the assistance from John and Amanda starting this day. You alone will decide what goes up as Qotw’s every week. You will have to take on the challenge of coming up with interesting/creative/intriguing questions every weekend. I expect lots of meaningful discussions, or just simple entertaining questions people have fun with ;).

John and Amanda, don’t think your job is done already. I expect some great questions from you two as well. You two will have to help M out in this long year of weekends (last time I counted, 37 of them before the year ends).

No pressure or anything :P. Qotw can be as simple as silly questions people mess around with, or serious questions thought-provoking the greatest minds in FIRST. At the end, just make sure you enjoy the questions too.

Have fun!

-Ken Leung

Congrats to our new questioners!

Thank you. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Ken L *
John and Amanda, don’t think your job is done already. **

Thanks Ken…
I’ll do my best.

Good luck M, you know how to reach me.

Amanda, IM me at: JNoon2 if you want to talk.


Thanks Ken. Let’s see if we can make the QotW’s the best ever!

Congrats M, you’ll have some great questions.

Good luck!