Qualification Seeding Question

5.3.4 Qualification SeedingAll Teams in attendance are seeded during the Qualification MATCHES. If the number of Teams in attendance is ‘n’, they are seeded ‘1’ through ‘n’, with ‘1’ being the highest seeded Team and ‘n’ being the lowest seeded Team.

The FMS ranks all Teams in decreasing order, using the following sorting criteria:

1st order sort
Qualification Score

2nd order sort
Cumulative sum of AUTO GOAL points

3rd order sort
Cumulative sum of CLIMB points

4th order sort
Cumulative sum of TELEOP GOAL points and FOUL points

5th order sort
Random sorting by the FMS

What I would like to know is if 2nd-4th order sorting is based on individual team scoring or is it based on the entire alliances scoring?

In other words, if a team scores 4 discs in autonomous, and no other discs are scored, does the entire alliance recieve points for the amount of 4 scored discs, or does the team that scored them get the points and no one else?

P.S. I’ve tried looking in the Q&A and was not able to find an answer to my question. Also I was not able to post a question for myself. Thanks in advance!

It is by alliance. FIRST only records scores on a per-alliance basis.

Could you please refer me to the source of your answer?

How would individual robot scores be determined? It is by alliance.

Well, if you have a good scouting team… :slight_smile:

But for official purposes, it’s always been per alliance

There is no way for FIRST to track who scores what on each alliance so they have to give the alliance score(either auto or final score) to the entire alliance.

The only way you will see individual robot scores are if you scout them yourselves.

To be honest I don’t have a source. I just know that this was how the autonomous score rankings worked last year. And that FIRST doesn’t take or publish individual robot scores. If someone actually knows where it says this that would be great. If you already checked the Q & A and came up empty it might be worth asking yourself.

Scores are counted by the weight of the discs that are in the goals. There’s no way to subdivide the scores per team.

The wording is similar to last year’s rules:

The scores that were summed up last year were based on the alliance scores, not the individual team scores.

Incidentally, this is the genesis for the rule that disallows a team from competing and earning qualification points until they pass inspection. A few years ago a team ended up in the top 8 having never put their robot on the field - they got a lucky string of good alliance partners that pushed them up in the rankings.

Thanks everyone for having cleared that up for me. It makes sense that the points aren’t individually assigned. I just wanted to make sure that there wasn’t something happening behind the scenes that I wasn’t aware of.