We are qualitative first quantitative second…
I look for bots that help us and if I can envision them as part of a strong alliance of ours IF we are captain hopefully (those that compliment what we can do and/or are adding uniqueness), I also look at our paired partners and competitors and any past recent matches. All scouted bots receive from us HIGH and LOW score range estimates per individual contribution and consistency rating <–main metrics
Along with that be honest about your own capabilities, we started out a Jack of all trades and ended a 100% topper/noodle filler as the matches went on. Play to your strength then find others to fill in that’s how you pick the strongest team, what do you do best and find the rest. We then knew we needed stackers to win. Its OK to admit your weaknesses and switch up strategy midstream
This shrinks the pool dramatically I need to “active” scout with my team. We go about 22 deep in our final list.
I find that one can over scout so its best to pair down to the basics. You either help or don’t and what are your tendencies. Also is there a HP advantage? Is there to much overlap?
I think you can tell a lot just by getting to know some teams visually and look for consistency. Not a huge # believer more how you play the game and consistency with eyes on the bot.
Since we pre-rank the entire pool … we see certain trends as matches go on.
During Quals we carefully look at two to three matches ahead for all partners and competitors taking copious notes and strategists for next match. We also identify non partners/competitors and place on the watch list too IF very special make time to see another match of theirs.
I see where “strong/veteran” teams get matched up and “weak/rookie teams” get matched up in alliances in quals …that is why I don’t trust solely #'s because the matching seems like strength levels go together in matches making sometimes weak teams score artificially low and strong teams sometimes artificially high so I take scores/stats with a grain of salt. So I look for individual bots that stand out no matter who their partners are then confirm my observation with stats as we make our list.
I got to a point last year it was comical with a top two team “you have to be kidding” they are partnered with them too? Must be nice. One match all top three teams were partners. Against rooks and lower tiered. Needless to say it was a blowout.
Take any #1 and #2 team going in or low “older” ## team and look at their partners in all matches. Then do same for a low/rookie ranked team you’ll see the trend. Not saying its on purpose just that I notice it. Could be the algorithm they use to schedule matches.
We got pretty good at guessing a score in each match before it was played this way. Not many surprises. We would tell out drive team games they would win and those that they will struggle and have to be on point to win.
For instance a low team ## drive base was ranked ultra high most of a regional due to great partners throughout=artificial high
Another with a characteristic we need “great HP rookie stacker” was ranked low…but high on our list (artificial low). Again due to their partners.
With only 8-10 matches this limited selected partners can sway results.
Are they a fit? that’s the most important question. Trust your eyes not just the #'s on a stat sheet. Eyes do not lie after a few matches even with a 60 deep pool.