Question about Outriggers

Would outriggers used to stable the robot in front of a goal be illegal or is there no restraints on outriggers?

They are legal as long as they do not use one of the materials it lists that you may not use to brace the robot or as traction devices.

and that the outriggers dont damage the carpet or any part of the field

and they of course have to stay with in the legal limits of size for the robot.

Just to be clear, size restrictions are only in force until the match begins. After the match begins you could extend to the entire width of the playing field if you really wanted to. I’m not sure why anyone would want to, but they could.


well as a few other threads have mentioned, that is not entirely true. for example. no blocking opponent’s view. and obstruction of w/e rules.

In this case for the use mentioned, stabilization, it would be fine as long as they are not used to occupy multiple loading zones at one time.