Question about placement of bumpers

Do the bumpers have to be around the wheels, or can they be kind of on top the wheels. The bumprs if put on the top would be 9-10 in off the ground.

The bumpers need to be in the Bumper Zone, and on the Frame Perimeter.

You gave a height–if that height is to the bottom of your bumpers, you will not be legal, as the top will be OUT of the Bumper Zone (only goes up to 12"). If it’s to the top of your bumpers, you’ll probably be OK.

As the bumpers must be 5" tall, they cannot be placed **entirely **above an 8" diameter wheel. They can still be well above the axles.

Also, the wheels cannot extend (at initial configuration) beyond the frame perimeter/inside edge of the bumpers. (see R4)

Ok thanks! Our plan is to have some pneumatics that can lift 2 ft pull the robot up and with yhe bumpers slightly up, it will start ud off at maybe 6 in off the ground already. As for the middle wheel, we will have to takr out the wheel bearings to push the shaft in farther.

If I understand correctly, that would violate either R2 or R21G. (Emphasis mine)

Also see the blue box under R22 (part of Team Update 1).