Question about sponsor

if our sponsor donated us an expensive material for free do we have to write it’s worth down and count it in the expenses limit?
how should we report it?

Yes, you must account for the item at the cost that it would be available to another team if they were to buy it.

can you please quote the rule that says so?

Your first stop should be the last page of The Robot section if it’s an expensive part. Use the 2009 Parts Use Flowchart to determine if it is legal.

Second, as far as cost accounting for parts, it’s rules <R20> & <R21> for general usage rules & Section rule C (for your specific situation) as well.

Section [FONT=ArialMT] is right below <R21> in The Robot.[/FONT]


[LEFT]C. The fair market value of an item obtained at a discount or as a donation. Fair market value
is that price at which the supplier would normally offer the item to other customers.[/LEFT]