I currently am looking for a new case to hold my electronics equipment. I do not want a huge case but at least something that could hold the basic testing gear, multimeter, alligator clips, etc. I also would like at least one shelf and a case inside (with a top) for the small stuff, fuses, resistors, caps, etc. Any ideas of where, online or other wise to find a good one.
I am willing to pay extra for one with alot of utility and functionality, price is not a factor in this.
Thanks in advance!
if you are into “Case Mods” for computers, you can get away with a lot more stuff in less space. (Having output displays on the case itself, for example).
My advice is to get a Tackle Box (for fishing) that is large enough to accomadate what you need.
$10 at Amazon.com
*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
**if you are into “Case Mods” for computers, you can get away with a lot more stuff in less space. (Having output displays on the case itself, for example).
My advice is to get a Tackle Box (for fishing) that is large enough to accomadate what you need.
$10 at Amazon.com **
I am into casemods but not for this paticular example
just a carrying case,lol
I had considered a tackle box but most did not have a lid, or removable option for many of the smaller compartments, though I am sure they exist. But thank you for the advice,I’ll poke around a little more.
Perhaps this is more like what you need?
*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
**Perhaps this is more like what you need? **
getting much closer 
a little big, I found THIS online. It is made for the mindstorms but looks like it would fit the bill for my non-lego robotics gear.
Home Depot has nice carrying cases - I got one last year for all my sparkie stuff - a plastic compartment box with a translucent cover, for about $9
only thing that wont fit in there is my Fluke 87.
They also have a really nice toolbox, about the size of an igloo cooler, with wheels, a handle that pulls out, and three trays inside - excellent if you need to carry a lot of tools around, and it make a nice bench in a pinch.
*Originally posted by UIDzero *
**getting much closer 
a little big, I found THIS online. It is made for the mindstorms but looks like it would fit the bill for my non-lego robotics gear. **
That is hilarious. I have the EXACT SAME case. Its a tackle box I bought at Walmart last year for about $15.
*Originally posted by seanwitte *
**That is hilarious. I have the EXACT SAME case. Its a tackle box I bought at Walmart last year for about $15. **
Yeah but you aren’t getting the $30 worth of pictures 
Another good place to check out for cases of all kinds is jensentools.com they can be a bit pricey, but it’s a good place to start looking.
I have a Jensen. They do cost (mine was running about $200 ) but they are made to take a beating. These are industrial cases with pallets for tools and documents. I added some small plastic boxes for small parts storage and smaller tools. It is also lockable. Mine is a grey thermoplastic with two pallets and feet on bottom and back side. It weighs a ton with everything I put in so i bought one of those fold down two wheel carts and I can then add a scope and other things to the travel kit.
Check This http://www.jensentools.com/product/group.asp?parent_id=67560
with http://www.jensentools.com/product/group.asp?parent_id=67560
or http://www.jensentools.com/product/group.asp?parent_id=67560
or http://www.jensentools.com/product/group.asp?parent_id=67830
Have you tried just going to like home depot or sears? Sears might be good casue they have a buncha tool boxes and they also have an assortment of tackle boxes. I have used takle boxes for my legos for about 5 years now, they have pull out translucent holders. they are totally made of awesome.