Does anyone know what brand of radio FIRST uses for the volunteers to communicate with one another? I would like to buy my own pair of headsets that are compatible with them that won’t leave my ears bleeding by the end of the weekend.
They’ve been 2-pin headset connectors on Motorola radios. No idea what the arrangement is with the supplier, so this is definitely subject to change.
The main problem I have with the FIRST supplied headset is that metal piece that wraps around the ear. My ears are burning terribly by days end. Someone mentioned a customized earpiece they got for themselves and since I’m doing 8 events and will be lead que at four of them (three haven’t contacted me yet) I think it’s in my best interest to get something comfortable.
Frank Larkin is buying radios and headsets for the MAR events - he can probably give you some leads for sources, as he is very diligent in his research. Michigan also bought their own radios and headsets as well.
This is the one I use. Has worked well for me, especially the soft earpiece.
Does that come with the square jaw, dark glasses, and black suit options?
Thanks for the laugh for today!
We had a venue walk thru today with the representative from SRE.
The two pin Motorola is here for a while.
Carol sent me alink with many radios. I like the $158 Comet. I can protect my poor lil’ ears and still hold a conversation with others.
I should look into seeing if I can write off the expense on my taxes.
My headset arrived but I think I’m gonna have to special order the right kind of plug in for the radio. The one I got is single and Motorolas have dual plug ins.
Alright finally got the right connector in! Now we’re ready to Rock n Roll!
For anyone else wondering, the connector you need for the Motorola radios used at FIRST events is the 2 pin M1.
Don’t you mean Ready to Rumble? Rock and Roll is so 2007…
That too.