Question Obtaining Pbasic 2.5

the main advisor to the team has yet to recive the password for the download site for Pbasic 2.5. i was wondering if anyone knew who to contact to get it re-sent, or if i could obtain the password through other means (IE, calling them or something)


[email protected]

*Originally posted by PyroPhin *
the main advisor to the team has yet to recive the password for the download site for Pbasic 2.5. i was wondering if anyone knew who to contact to get it re-sent, or if i could obtain the password through other means (IE, calling them or something)


[email protected] **

I doubt you can get access to the password. They don’t want anyone to get it, even if you proved that you where on a team…you know what I mean?

In theory, Parallax is realeasing a public beta this Friday that will include some minor documentation. If you can wait two days, it may be easier than trying to convince InnovationFirst to send you the password. In any event, I would highly suggest that you get someone on your team to subscribe to the list-serve.

Public PBasic 2.5 beta was relesed. It can be obtained now from Parallax.