Question On Bumpers

So, we were a rookie team last year and this year we’re helping another rookie team through the early season

While going through the new rookie KOP with them we noticed they got bumper material, but we didn’t get any in our rookie kit.

Were we supposed to get the bumper fabric or do we have to buy our own?

Normally, you have to get your own.

You can sometimes buy it even cheaper on eBay, but here it is from a regular vendor:

Note that you need to get BOTH red and blue because your team will definitely be on both alliances at different times.

Also you might want to check out the PDF from this bumper tutorial I made (I haven’t updated it for the 2016 rules, but aside from a more generous 4-12" high bumper zone, they look very similar).

Make your life easy. Go to

Also, check out the bumper school videos:

Good luck!

Or check out our reversible bumpers: