Question on Rules G42 and about Minibots

Hi. Colin Kulsa here with Team 3218 in Washington. I was looking over the rule book when came across Rule G42:

“ROBOTS, MINIBOTS, or HOSTBOTS may not intentionally detach parts or leave MECHANISMS on the FIELD (with the exception of appropriate DEPLOYMENT of the MINIBOT).”

I had the idea of using a Minibot as a functional piece of the Hostbot (like how the giant machines of power rangers were comprised of individual vehicles linked together [best example I could think of]) and then having this said piece detach and climb the pole autonomously. Would this be against the rules?

Additionally in the Minibot line of question yet completley tangental: Would a minibot potentially be allowed to FLY up the pole instead of climb? I know this would be far more complex and therefore not worth pursuing, however, I thought I might ask.

Yes, it would be illegal. But not because of <G42> specifically. <G46> specifies that minibots must only be used to climb the tower.

if you can make the minibot “fly” using the NXT KOP then awesome! I cant see it happening though. the lightest the mini will weigh is 4lbs after the NXT brick and the 12v battery pack. plus the housing.

Keep in mind that the brain is not mandatory. A purely electromechanical device w/o a computer would work.

Before I read the rules, I wanted it to piggyback on an opponent’s, but alas, banhammered by <G21> <G22> and <G24> :mad:

The rules never expressly said that the MINIBOT had to climb the tower. I was thinking of having ours grip the pole with wheels, then have it get shot up by a pneumatic/spring-loaded system.

Because of the limit on the fitting sizes for the pneumatics shooting it up that way will be very difficult but a spring loaded system is very intriguing.

My dad (a mentor) says we should just focus on getting it up, fast, without all the “fancy stuff” involved in a spring or otherwise unconventional approach. To quote Captain Barbossa, “I am disinclined to acquiesce to [his] request.”

I am wondering if you can even put a spring on your mini-bot. It is not listed in the approved parts in <R92>. If this could be clarified it would be awesome.

Traditional springs aren’t on the approved list of parts, but rubber bands (U) and surgical tubing (V) /are/, making for easy springs (especially the latter :cool: ). If you really want to be awesome, make a magnetic spring (AA)