Question Regarding How To Hang A Christmas Tree From The Ceiling

My son is interested in hanging a tree upside-down from the ceiling this year. Apparently, this is an old European tradition that dates back to the 12th century.

Would any of you have any suggestions as to how to do this? We have a sheet rock ceiling with 2X6 beams, 16" on center.

Thank you for any suggestions,

Just make sure you put something underneath it, lest you have hundreds of pine needles raining on you (assuming a real tree) ::safety::


Helium filled decorations?

Perhaps just holding your camera upside down during the holidays will make you think that the tree, and the whole family as well, spent Christmas on the ceiling?

They sell upside down fake Christmas trees that’d be simpler.

If you’re using an existing fake tree that gets assembled, then you’ll have to wire the separate sections together, otherwise you’ll end up with half a tree on the ceiling come Christmas morning…



What is the knot-tying ability in the family?

I’d most likely go with a hook or two in a beam right over your normal tree location, then run a rope/pulley system to hoist the tree, or tie the tree to the hook by going up a ladder. If you need extra reinforcement, put a section of 2x6 on either side of the affected point.

The attachment to the tree is the tough part. If you have a good knot-tier in the family, just tie the rope to the trunk (and let him/her choose the right knot!). Otherwise, put an eyebolt into the base and attach the rope that way.

I would think a few of these would do.

It is a very simple 4-step process:

  1. Place the tree firmly in a traditional tree stand, and tighten all the fasteners and mounting hardware so the tree can not come out of the stand.

  2. Nail the tree stand firmly to the floor.

  3. Nail the house firmly to a very large lazy susan that has been mounted vertically in the side yard.

  4. Rotate the lazy susan 180 degrees.

We are always here to help. Let us know if you need anything else.


Perhaps the family could simply do headstands on Christmas ?

OK, in all seriousness:

A large screw-eye or hook into one of the 2x6 joists will do fine. The 1/4" hole it leaves behind can be filled in with spackle, or leave the hook for next year. Painted ceiling color, it is hardly visible.

You cannot support a 30 pound tree from the sheetrock, but the 2x6 will handle that just fine.

The tree can probably get a hook or screw-eye into the end as well, or wrap rope around the trunk in a double spiral (opposite directions) for about 2 feet, it will grip the tree easily and firmly. This image or This image will give you the general idea.

As mentioned, be sure the tree is assembled such that it does not rely on gravity (in the usual direction) to hold it together.

Or use it for potted plants or a hanging decoration the rest of the year. My family house has about 4-5 hooks in various places in two different ceilings that sometimes get used for different items.

Our fake tree has a large dowel running up the middle to which all the branches attach. It would fit into the tree stand either way. However, gravity keeps all the branches in place. I am not sure they would stay put in an inverted position.
A quick search showed that manufacturers have been making inverted trees for a few years. Although the practice started in the middle ages in Europe, it appears to be more of a floor space saving effort than anything else. Those consumers who have used them in recent times, like the fact that ornaments are more visible.
A simple attachment can be made once the position of a beam is determined. A screw eye or other threaded device for wood would make a small hole in the ceiling and could be used throughout the year for a hanging basket or planter.

Our initial reason is the dogs. We have sizes XL through S. They are all very young and this would be the first tree for all of them.

XL is the one who could eat the tree in one bite. L and M are the ones who would mangle/destroy/create chaos with the tree in no time flat. S is the one who would bat the ornaments around, steal them, and hide them under the bed. My days of crawling under the bed to retrieve toys and hidden treasure are over. At least I hope they are.

Thanks for the suggestions and the humorous comments, all. Well, almost all.


Buy a tree from Australia. It should arrive inverted.

Just don’t try to flush any of the needles - your toilet may explode.

Yes. Very carefully!



When you get to hanging this tree, please be sure to play this song.

Have fun,

When dealing with pets who like to have fun with the tree, your best bet is to try to train them to stay away from it. With my family’s cats, we’d put small bells around the bottom of the tree. If we heard jingling, a chase would ensue, to the accompaniment of “Bad cat! Bad! Aahh! Bad cat!”

Or, in this case, put bells at the top of the tree…:stuck_out_tongue:

“Would you be prepared if gravity suddenly reversed itself?”

Sounds like Jane is just being prepared.

Precisely, exactly.

There are people in my house that think along the lines of a certain Mr. Lavery and his very large vertical lazy susan suggestion. I do want to be somewhat assured that I will still have a semblance of a ceiling remaining following the hanging of the upside-down tree. Assurance is a good thing. Your photo is not helping with that. :slight_smile:

Eric - you are using rational thinking. That does not necessarily apply to my marvelous but bouncy pups.

Send pictures :smiley:

Hide a fake squirrel in the very top with its head poking out – they’ll stare at the tree for hours :smiley: