
can somebody quote in the rules where walkie talkies are not allowed at nationals.

Part 3 of the manual, “At the Events”, says


Do not use walkie-talkies. They can interfere with the robots.

It’s on page 17 of this PDF

It always amazes me how fast of a response this site has. Its one of the reasons it is worth coming to.

I’d like to point out that it’s probably more of a pit safety issue than it is a competition interference issue. The robot receivers are 900Mhz like some brands of radios and are plugged in even when the bot is tethered. The last thing anyone wants is for their robot to receive some wierd rogue signal and start moving when it’s not supposed to. It is simply too difficult to ascertain who has a 900Mhz radio instead of a 5.x Ghz radio, so FIRST correctly says no radios are allowed period.