Questions about spark max following with PID control

Hello Everyone. I am writing some arm code for our test bot this year. The arm has two Neo motors, one on each side, with a 300 to one gear ratio. It also has a CANcoder as its absolute encoder.

I am trying to get the arm moving with the spark maxes PID controller, and had some questions about following.

Currently, I am getting the encoder and pid from one spark max, having the other spark max follow it. The set up the spark max encoder with the gear ratio and have it match the position of the absolute encoder. I then just use the spark max pid controller in position mode to try and reach the desired position.

I am wondering if the follower will still follow the leader since I am using the leaders PID controllor, and also if this is the correct way to do this arm code in the first place.

Thank you!!

Full Code:

package frc.robot.subsystems.arm;

import static frc.robot.subsystems.arm.ArmConstants.ARM_CONFIG;
import static frc.robot.subsystems.examples.flywheel.FlywheelConstants.GEAR_RATIO;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

import com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANcoder;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AbsoluteSensorRangeValue;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkBase.ControlType;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkBase.IdleMode;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkLowLevel.MotorType;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkMax;
import com.revrobotics.RelativeEncoder;
import com.revrobotics.SparkPIDController;
import com.revrobotics.SparkPIDController.ArbFFUnits;
import edu.wpi.first.math.util.Units;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;

public class ArmHardwareIO implements ArmIO {
  private final CANSparkMax leader;
  private final CANSparkMax follower;

  private final RelativeEncoder encoder;
  private final SparkPIDController pid;

  private final CANcoder cancoder;
  private final Supplier<Double> absolutePosition;
  private final Supplier<Double> relativePosition;

  public ArmHardwareIO() {

    // --- Create Hardware ---
    leader = new CANSparkMax(ARM_CONFIG.leaderID(), MotorType.kBrushless);
    follower = new CANSparkMax(ARM_CONFIG.followerID(), MotorType.kBrushless);

    cancoder = new CANcoder(ARM_CONFIG.encoderId());

    // --- Set up CANCoder ---
    CANcoderConfiguration armEncoderConfig = new CANcoderConfiguration();
    armEncoderConfig.MagnetSensor.AbsoluteSensorRange =
    armEncoderConfig.MagnetSensor.SensorDirection = SensorDirectionValue.Clockwise_Positive;
    armEncoderConfig.MagnetSensor.MagnetOffset = ArmConstants.ARM_ENCODER_OFFSET.getRotations();
    cancoder.getConfigurator().apply(armEncoderConfig, 1.0);

    absolutePosition = cancoder.getAbsolutePosition().asSupplier();
    relativePosition = cancoder.getPosition().asSupplier();

    // --- Set up leader controller ---
    encoder = leader.getEncoder();
    pid = leader.getPIDController();

    // --- Configure Spark Maxes ---

    // Defaults

    // Conversion Factor
    encoder.setPositionConversionFactor(1 / GEAR_RATIO);
    encoder.setVelocityConversionFactor(1 / GEAR_RATIO);

    // Set follower to copy leader
    follower.follow(leader, ARM_CONFIG.followerInverted());

    // Enable brake

    // Voltage

    // Save config

    // --- Match encoder positions ---

  public void updateInputs(ArmIOInputs inputs) {
    inputs.positionRads = Units.rotationsToRadians(encoder.getPosition());
    inputs.velocityRadsPerSec = Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(encoder.getVelocity());

    inputs.absoluteEncoderPositionRads =
    inputs.relativeEncoderPositionRads =

    SmartDashboard.putNumber("Position", Units.radiansToDegrees(inputs.positionRads));
    SmartDashboard.putNumber("Velocity", Units.radiansToDegrees(inputs.velocityRadsPerSec));
        "AbsPosition", Units.radiansToDegrees(inputs.absoluteEncoderPositionRads));
        "RelPosition", Units.radiansToDegrees(inputs.relativeEncoderPositionRads));

    inputs.appliedVolts =
        new double[] {
          leader.getAppliedOutput() * leader.getBusVoltage(),
          follower.getAppliedOutput() * follower.getBusVoltage()
    inputs.supplyCurrentAmps =
        new double[] {leader.getOutputCurrent(), follower.getOutputCurrent()};

  public void runSetpoint(double positionRad, double feedForward) {

  public void runVolts(double volts) {

  public void stop() {

  public void setBrakeMode(boolean enable) {
    leader.setIdleMode(enable ? IdleMode.kBrake : IdleMode.kCoast);
    follower.setIdleMode(enable ? IdleMode.kBrake : IdleMode.kCoast);

  public void configurePID(double kP, double kI, double kD) {
    pid.setP(kP, 0);
    pid.setI(kI, 0);
    pid.setD(kD, 0);
    pid.setFF(0, 0);

I’ve never used PID with spark maxes, but according to my experience with Talon FXs, just set the second spark max into follower might work.

Re: followers: My understanding of how following works is that the follower motor will match the output of the leader motor, including output from the leader’s PID controller. So that’ll work just fine, though I haven’t read your code.

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@person4268 is correct that the follower will match the leader’s output, so your follower is set up correctly. And yes, using a PID controller is a good way to set an arm position. I can’t see from your code how you are calculating your feedforward, but for an arm, you will probably want to use a gravity feedforward if you aren’t already.