Questions Only

Should i know what that is?

Did you build a KitBot this season?

Yes, I was standing there when my team mates build it. Did you build the kitbot?

Was that actually a question?

Does it count if it’s a question now?

Doesn’t the name of the game preclude non-questions?

Why would a game about questions use questions?

What else would it use?

Have you heard of declarative statements?

Why must I declare?

Are you afraid to declare? :grinning:

Are you afraid of telling what to declare?

Were you afraid you would not get a response?

Were you afraid of posting?

Why won’t anyone give a straight answer?

Why do all drawn lines have a radius?

Are all visible radii drawn lines?

Is the world completely Euclidian?

Who is this Euclid person anyway?

Do you think I’m an expert on maths or something?