
  1. can our payload specialist (baller on outpost/fueling station) be a 7th grader or is he too young?
  2. are we supposed to send our bumpers with the robot or just bring them to the competition?
  3. can someone explain to me what are the signs with the logo and everything- what sizes they are, what should be printed on them etc.

There are no minimum age limits for team members. Any pre-college team member can be a Pilot or PS.

  1. are we supposed to send our bumpers with the robot or just bring them to the competition?
    If you don’t send them in the crate, they will count against your 40 pound witholding allowance. See this thread and the links in it to the Q&A:
  1. can someone explain to me what are the signs with the logo and everything- what sizes they are, what should be printed on them etc.
    See Rules <R14> and <R15> regarding sponsor names/logos and team numbers on the robot:

Don’t forget that announcers pick up on the signage on your robot. Whether it is team name, number, or school, the other teams will identify with what they see and hear. It could mean the difference between being picked or watching.

For , please keep the scouts in mind too. It’s kind of hard to see anything if the colors aren’t contrasting. Dark colors on clear won’t work too well; if you want to do that, put some COTS paper behind it. Remember, the scouts determine whether or not you get picked, and if they don’t know who you are, they won’t be able to scout you, decreasing your chances of getting picked.