Quick Drivetrain question

What exactly is the differance between a “Swerve” drive and a “Crab” drive. Something with how the modules are controlled?


Was wondering the same thing as I read the swerve drive thread…


I think that they are the same thing, but I’m not exactly sure.

They’re the same thing in my book.

Some people might make distinctions between varieties with independent control of all four wheel’s angles, or separate control of front and back pairs, or systems where all drive wheels are locked to the same angle. I could be convinced that only the last one deserves the label “crab” drive.

as far as my research goes the difference is that crab is four driven wheel all independently steered and a swerve is two driven two caster and the driven ones steer together (like a car)

As refered to on CD–

Crab- having all wheels rotate together (ie: locked to the same angle). Derived from the ability of a crab to scuttle in any direction.

Swerve- Either all wheels can independently rotate, or they rotate in sets of two. Allows you to both translate and rotate, as well as drive the robot using ackerman steering, or monster truck steering where the front wheels turn one direction, and the rear in the opposite direction.

I will second this… messed up my research a bit… lol… wrong explanations lol

there are many more control types than can be labeled by swerve or crab such as ours this year all modules linked rotationally but each had its own motor so we could still rotate.