R20C 2023 | Rock River Off-Season Competition

Come check out R2OC FRC event live from Illinois at Twitch on Saturday

Team list from their website including one of your last chances to see 2451 compete: Rock River Robotics Off-Season Competition FRC Event Web : Event Information (updated)


It doesn’t look like the team list on the website is completely accurate…

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R2OC is live at https://twitch.tv/firstupdatesnow and on TBA GameDay

If any one can put up a match schedule that would be awesome!

Looks like match schedule and rankings are being posted here: Rock River Robotics Off-Season Competition FRC Event Web : Event Information


TBA should be updating now too, thanks to the admins. Worth noting that if you are using the web version, you might be getting a cached version with no results, but https://www.thebluealliance.com/event/2023ilrr?1 should be updating (that’s just adding a ?1 to the URL).


Thanks to everyone involved in putting on R2OC for having such a smooth and fun event!

Shout-out to 2451 for a great showing at their final event, it was a blast to compete against my old team in the finals!


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