I don’t usually do this, but my team is stuck on an apparent rules contradiction. Until the Q&A opens and we can get an official answer, I’d like to hear what CD thinks.
R6 says:
G6 says:
I don’t see the difference between launching and throwing/shooting. However according to R6 you can launch the HATCH PANELS up to 2 ft, while according to H6 you can’t shoot them at all. I haven’t seen any discussion about this yet on CD, so I wondering if other people see a way to avoid the apparent contradiction. Are we missing something?
Take a good look at the words in G6. Note the “significant distance”. I suspect if you ask, 2’ will be a non-significant distance but >2’ will be significant.
I’m thinking that the GDC is targeting “throw and hope it sticks” strategies, but not “slap onto the Velcro” strategies (30" being >2’).
I take it as…
“Feel free to aggressively transport HATCH PANELS around your robot but make sure they aren’t exiting your robot in a launching sort of way.”
I am however really reading between the lines here by assuming the 2ft is derived from the maximum one can extend from frame perimeter.
Also those things are heavy launching them any sort of distance could do some damage if people aren’t careful.
I think they are more focusing on how teams launched gears onto pegs and before it becomes a gray area they are allowing for you to interpret the rule. That being said I see no problem in flicking a hatch cover on if you’re against the rocket but if you’re at the cargo ship going towards the rocket and try to throw it onto the hatch that’s where it’s against the rules.
R6 is a restriction on the construction of the robot, G6 is a restriction the conduct of the robot on the field. They can contradict since they restrict different things.