When I try configuring the radio I always get the error message “Bridge Configuration failed: IP address not changed. Please ensure the bridge is connected to this computer and try again.”
I’ve connected the new Radio to the correct power and put the ethernet cable in the correct spot. On the Radio, the power led is stable and the led that I think signals a connection to the computer is blinking. I’m not sure what to try to fix this issue. Ideas?
Team 3711 is having a similar problem - the bridge won’t connect with first basic config so in trying next step to re-flash, we start the flash update process, it says it found it, but the flash update keeps timing out. Anyone else having this same problem and got around it?
We were able to configure the router once it but we were not able to log into the bridge/router. We were concerned that we could not log into the router. Is there any reason to log into the router this year and set properties?
We tried to configure it again to use a password and now we are getting 50% throughput when we ping the RoboRIO. (ping
We have to deploy our programs to the RoboRIO using a USB cable until we fix this issue. Our Driver Station (DS) appears to be working but I am sure the DS is getting 50% throughput.
After our initial flash timeouts and giving up on the first unit, we had another spare radio of same type and it fired right up without having to flash, with everything else being the same. So it appears our first radio was bad and we will try to exchange it.
It turns out our first radio was OK after all. I had a forehead-slapper moment when I realized the first radio I tried to set up was one we ordered as a spare directly from Andy Mark, which means it does not have any configuration at all like the KOP radio does.
We fixed our radio configuration. We had a high packet loss % and then we placed a 5 port switch on our robot for one RoboRIO and two PCDuinos. Then we connected the bridge to the 5 port switch. This will be our competition configuration since the new radio only has two ports. :mad:
We had to use the bridge connector farthest from the power input cable. If we used the other (closest to the power connector) then we got (50-75)% packet loss. Does anyone else had hi-packet losses using the port near the power connector?
After a couple hours of troubleshooting, I finally figured out that the FRC Radio Configuration Utility puts the ethernet adapter’s TCP/IPv4 settings to “use the following IP address” but never changes it back to autodetect after closing the program. After I set it back to auto, I was able to connect to OpenWrt.