So I’ve been trying to connect my laptop to the radio but I cannot seem to get coms. The wifi light on radio is orange but driver station shows no coms or robot code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do you get an IP address when you connect to the radio? If so, can you ping the radio or the RoboRIO? They should have IP addresses and respectively.
Can you see the radio SSID in your list of wireless APs to connect to on your PC?
Have you connected to the radio SSID?
Have you reconfigured your radio, since your last competition?
If your PC has connected to the radio then:
- What does the Diagnostics tab on the PC’s Driver Station app show?
- The Diagnostics tab will show your PC IP and the IP addresses it is attempting to use for the roboRIO.
- The Diagnostics tab will also show what it can successfully ping, e.g., radio, roboRIO.
If you haven’t tried this already, make sure that you have your radio configured correctly, and make sure that your team number is set correctly everywhere (i.e. driver station, code, radio config). Also make sure that your Ethernet run between your roboRio and your radio is solid.
Make sure you have reflashed your radio with the provided software after your last competition. The radio is set up differently for home and competition use.
I used it on a different laptop just this past Saturday outside of competition and it worked fine. Also, I’m on mechanical so i don’t know how to ping the radio. Could you explain it please?
If it worked with a different laptop last week, then it’s probably just your new laptop setup.
Here are the standard things to try:
Turn off the PC firewall.
Firewalls will work only if they are setup correctly, so it’s generally just easier to turn it off if you have difficulties. -
Turn off any anti-virus programs that are running. They also specialize in blocking communications.
Make sure the wireless connection is set to DHCP.
It will gain an IP address from the robot radio.
Finally, run the Driver Station app and switch to the Diagnostic tab on the left side of the DS screen.
The Diagnostic screen is constantly doing ping tests for you.
You just need to look at the lights (off or green) to see what’s happening.
I’ve attached an example.
Look for green lights for radio and robot-next to the robot will be displayed the IP address being used or tried.
I tried that but still no comms and diagnostics tab isn’t showing anything
I did connect it with ethernet and sent a ping and it did receive and reply with a ping but still comms
What shows on the Diagnostics tab for the Ethernet connection?
You will have an Ethernet IP address listed-what is it?
That means your PC is not taking an IP address from the robot radio.
You won’t get robot comms until your PC accepts a robot compatible IP address, like 10.TE.AM.xx
Sometimes that just takes a long while for some PCs.
You can prod the network adapter by Disabling/Enabling.
Control Panel (can be searched for) -> Network and Sharing Center (or “View network status and tasks” depending on how you view your Control Panel) -> Change Adapter Settings
Then right-click on the Ethernet adapter icon and select Disable, then right-click again and select Enable
aw rip so I just gotta wait?
You cannot be connect to the internet when connect to the robot.
To get the IP from the Radio.
Open the Windows Command Prompt. (WIN+R, type CMD, press enter)
enter the commands:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
I did that. I connected over WiFi to robot. I couldn’t get a reply when I ping when i used ping roboRIO-6897-FRC.local I did get a response when i individually pinged radicand it was good. When I tried roborio individually using, it got a reply but said destination host unreachable.
Aren’t you team 6879?
Did you type different numbers by accident in the ping command?
If you are getting a good ping response from roboRIO-6897-FRC.local, that’s the roboRIO talking back to you.
oh oops my bad. I made a big typo. I did ping with but it said destination host unreachable
Oh rip just realized my team # on my profile is wrong. should be 6897
So yah still getting same message with roboRIO-6897-FRC.local ping: Could not find it. And with said destination host unreachable
I still think it’s probably your laptop that’s giving you grief.
You can try forcing your PC Ethernet port to a static IP address of
Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center (view by small icons) -> Change Adapter Settings
Then right-click on the Ethernet adapter icon and select Properties
Double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (to get Properties)
radio select “Use the following IP address”
Set the IP address to
Click on Subnet mask and take the default that appears.
Click OK
Then see what the DS Diagnostic pings show.