Team 6722 has been having issues getting the Radio to receive power from a VRM. The radio is connected by ethernet to the VRM and RoboRIO. I have replaced every single component and wire, but it has not worked. (RoboRIO, radio, PDP, VRM and removed and readded the pigeon).
Is your robot breaker “flipped in”? That picture has the robot turned off.
Your radio appears plugged in the wrong VRM channel. Should be in 12V/2A
The breaker was off in that photo, yes. Even when the bot is on it doesn’t turn on the radio. The radio does not reviece power even when the rest of the board does.
Thank you, that fixed it!
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Your roboRIO is also plugged in the wrong port in the PDP. It should be in the far right (blue) set of connectors on its own 10 amp fuse. The green side should be a 20 amp fuse shared between the VRM and PCM, but I see you have a 15 amp fuse installed.
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