Mike I had a student write the previous post. #1 I’m pretty sure the are no pictures or drawings (except for the field drawing) on the CD, I’ve looked a number of times. which one is it in?
Robot Build Rules 20041.doc
Rice Robot Manual3.doc
Drawing occra 04b.jpg
2004 Game Rules.doc
2003 How-To Guide OCCRA.doc
This is all of the files I have on the CD
#2 Here is the rule that lends it’s self to a 2ft arrow. and I think it’s the only description I have for the arrow.
GR2 The game pieces are assemblies of 3 PVC tubes (“tubies”) that are bolted together and cut 7” in length. There are 20 total game pieces for each match (16 human player placements and 4 located on the corners of the center platform. Both alliances use the same white tubies (field pieces). The field structure consists of a 4’ x 4’ platform that’s elevated about 6” above the floor. Each of the four top edges of this platform adjoins a 4’ x 4’ plywood ramp that runs to the floor. These ramps are the scoring goals. The surface of the ramps (scoring goals) is painted plywood and has 6 equally located 9” square holes to place the tubies into. Each of the 4 ramps (2 red, 2 blue) are attached to the center platform with the matching color ramps on opposite sides. Located in the center of the top platform is a 2’ steel pole that has an arrow mounted on the top.
That last line should be a 2 inch steel pole not 2 foot in height. Also there is an error as the pipe is not 2" in diameter it is 1 1/4 ID pipe sold at Home depot. The height is calculated from the floor to be 48 inches to top surface of the arrow. The pipe extends above the Kee Klamp about 2 inches. You will have to calculate the length of the pipe depending on how you assemble and reinforce the ramp structure.
All the drawings were jpegs that were to be included on the disk. NOTE: There was a second disk given out by Rob Jenkins at the kick off that had the powerpoint presentation as well as all the pictures and drawings I have talked about.
I will get them uploaded to this site as soon as I can contact Brandon.