How many Teams would be interested in an alliance partner with an 18 Degree incline ramp on their robot and the ability to score with a front scorer, plus the robot is I the 4’ category and has a strong drive train. This robot should have the ability to score when it needs to but it would be a really strong defense bot to play man up on someone. The ramp on the back should be easy to get up for most teams and its worth 30 points. Ideas?
A robot like that sounds like a wonderful robot to play with. If it can allow one robot to climb onto it, scoring 30 points, and play a great defensive game, it sounds like one good robot.
Whereas I would perfer a shooter (a robot that scores w/ innertubes) as a first alliance pick, a ramp/lifter robot would be my second. However if the robot has excellent defensive capabilities then it might be a good first pick as well.
our robot would also be able to score but probably only on the bottom two legs so we could be a versatile robot and help where needed but we think we could defiantly take the other teams top scorer outta the picture with our drive train which proved to be extremely powerful on last years robot. The Drive train is so strong and reliable our local sister team from the town next to us has decided to use it. We are just wondering how many teams would like a robot like this on their team.