The result of the error is the motor not functioning. Which results in the follower not functioning, which results in a high pitch brushless cry of sadness and a fair bit of heat build up. Essentially the entire side of the drivetrain locks up and we turn right alot. This happened in one match ( and several times at home. A reboot of the RIO will occasionally fix it, but not always. It is seemingly random and only seems to happen when we are confident that it won’t.
Redeploying code clears it, rebooting RIO sometimes, powercycling robot clears it as well.
Any insight or items to check before we compete next week would be much appreciated.
We had this issue as well. Except without error 1. We don’t know why this fixed it. But setting the master’s PID loop constants only once and not periodically helped us eliminate the error.
We are Labview. The falcons get run through “” in - that’s the only time config is done on the motors.
This error occurs immediately up running out test code to the robot, ie running or immediately when deployed robot code start running.