random people on segways

The other day I was at the mall with my friend, and I saw like 2 different random people on segways shopping. My friend had no clue what I was talking about when i said “ooo wow look theres a regular person on a segway!” haha
I was wondering if anyone else has seen people on a segway, whether it be at the mall, great america, school, work, etc. It was pretty cool how that person had one.

There’s this one place I keep seeing a lot of them. It’s some thing called “FIRST” I dunno if you guys have heard of it. It’s these like geeks, and they’re like, segway fiends. :P.

I saw someone at a mall. He watched me play ddr. THen I played a song he liked so he let me ride it for a few minutes.

I’ve never seen a segway outside of FIRST or TV two years ago.

There was some guy who lives behind the mall I work at riding segways in the mall parking lot with his son (who I went to High School with) usually I see them out every night zipping through the mall parking lot before dusk…

Yeah it is pretty cool seeing that

Saw a guy zipping along the sidewalks on a Segway. He had a cane on the handle. Good mobility for the disabled, no?

Ohhh, very much so. The Segway is changing lives daily for individuals who can not get around as easily as others. I know I will be changed greatly by the Segway very soon. :] I see the Seg out and about a bit with ordinary people… but I spend to much time in the Boston and Manchester area.

The WPI campus police use Segways to patrol the area. :slight_smile:

I’ve sighted the rare Segway in the following locations:

-The Atlanta, GA airport.
-Going down the sidwalk along Hawthorne Blvd in Torrance, CA. Hawthorne is THE major street in that area four lanes each way and better than 50,000 vehicles per day.
Loyola Marymount University. Apparently the maintenance dept uses them to get around.

Outside of First, I haven’t seen much of the segway. I did see a segway-mounted police officer in Atlanta, and of course, Tom Schindler is always around on his segway at our school. Besides that, not much…

Oh, another one, Disneyland Cast and Security use them around the resort :slight_smile:

I’ve seen them at Cal Games when the Bay Area Segway Enthusiasts brought theirs, at a local parade, all over the place at nationals, here at WPI, at IRI, and in a couple other random places.


At WPI there is this strange kid that likes to hang out in the Campus Center riding his Segway. Wait…he is already famous for his Globe article.

And the police look so happy on them.

I saw a couple people riding Segways in downtown Rochester MI a couple days ago. I saw one down in Ann Arbor awhile ago, too. Those have been my only non-FIRST sightings, though.

I know at one of the chicago airports (can’t remember which one it was) I noticed that all the security officers were riding around on segways.

That would be O’Hare airport… they are seen frequently there.

Well, I’ve seen Segways entirely to much. I live less than 2 miles away from the Segway company, so I’ll be out riding my bike on the trails behind my apartment complex (they go for about 10 miles altogether) and either nearly crash into a Segway, or nearly get run over by one. I think I’ve seen one almost every day I’ve gone out. And of course, I see them in Manchester daily.

As for other sightings, I’ve seen them a few times in Annapolis, Maryland. I guess they use them for tours. My favorite sighting has to be a man dressed in colonial clothing riding a Segway, giving a tour. Wish I had had a camera.

~ Jill

I’ve seen them a few times in manhatten, most notably Chinatown. I also saw one in Washington D.C. in front of one of the Smithsonian museums.

Has anyone seen a regular segway in a suburban/rural area?

I’ve seen 2 segway mounted police on Hollywood Boulevard (the Walk of Fame).

I talked to them for a bit, and they were evaluating them to replace
the horses. Theirs were faster, approximately 25 miles per hour. They
also said they didn’t like them as much as the horses, and that they
broke too easily (about 1 a month).

I saw some one on my college campus the other day. People I was with (3 or 4 music majors) knew what they were but kept calling them scooters.

there was this guy at the market who had one. it was so cute! he had the little side bags and what puttin all his stuff in there. i was behind him at the check out and really wanted to push him off and go riding away on it!
in the inovations thinger at disneyland u can ride it. did that. the lady thought i was a freek for being so excited. then the guy working there started spitting out random facts about dean. yea. i won that battle :stuck_out_tongue:
theres also a place in santa monica where u can rent them by the hour. i havent gotten up the guts to do that one yet. im afraid of hurting one.