Random Red Rapid React Rags?

So I was digging through old team stuff and I found these. What are these for?

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The human players wore those during matches.


The human player wore them for each team. Forget the theme reason

Instead of being alliance specific, in 2022 the Human Player stations on either corner of the field had a member of both alliances in them. They had to wear colored aprons to distinguish who was on which alliance.



Not sure why they were aprons. The theme was essentially ‘airport cargo loading’ so maybe a colored safety vest would make more sense, but then it’s not a one size fits all thing as easily. The aprons could be tied and adjusted.


Long shot here, but maybe it was hinting at an airport “apron” (aka the ramp/flight line), where human players were located?

Wikipedia (great source, I know :sweat_smile:) defines an airport apron as,

The airport apron , apron , flight line, or ramp is the area of an airport where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refueled, boarded, or maintained.

Certainly sounds similar to the job of a Human Player that year… :man_shrugging:


Rapid React was a reskin of the planned 2021 game which had an exercise/fitness theme.

I have absolutely no idea what the aprons could’ve meant in that theme.

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We played into the cooking apron connection for some fun:

Welcome to the cooking show:


(For best results pretend Benedict Cumberbatch is reading this)

My Dearest Sir,

I write to you with an ever-increasing fervor, my heart heavy with dismay at the recent assertion that the year of our Lord, 2022, is to be cast aside as “old” or, worse yet, branded as a distant epoch. This declaration, I daresay, is an affront to both reason and decorum!

Pray, how can one so cavalierly dismiss the vibrancy and vivacity of a mere breath of time? To label such a year as antiquated is to render ourselves blind to the splendid tapestry of human experience woven within it. The events, the passions, the fervent debates that defined that year are fresh in our minds and should be celebrated, not relegated to the dustbin of history.

I implore you, dear sir, let us hold fast to the richness of our recent past, for it is therein that we find the roots of our present existence. To cast it aside is to rob ourselves of the lessons learned and the joys felt.

With the utmost sincerity and fervent hope for a reconsideration of this lamentable notion, I remain,

Yours in eternal discourse,



I put forward my dearest condolences for this farce that I have presented in this thread, for I have been a fool



Just to clarify, the aprons also had a pocket. The pocket was used to carry item(s).

We used that theme a bit this year.


Not the easiest too see in this pic but 1197 cut off the only legally required parts and sewed them onto a new black base. Looked way cleaner and we even put a little TorBot doll in the pocket. Good times.

Are any of those drivers being operated by a rat under those chef hats? Disney might be taking notes for a ratatouille sequel.


Try to tell this thread title ten times quickly.