Our robot has been randomly disconnecting while enabled. It has been happening throughout the season, both at the competition and home. The Robot signal light turns solid, but coms on the RoboRio remains green. Our limelight is still connected, but our USB camera and code are disconnected. We have replaced the radio, cut out our radio power module, replaced it with a brand new radio power/connection wire, and replaced the ethernet cord to the RoboRio from the radio out of fear it was too advanced for our older RoboRio. We have secured all of our wires and stress-tested each wire and the robot with heavy shaking resulting in no disconnection problems. When we disconnect, it never has an apparent cause. It has disconnected directly after auto and while just driving across the floor. The computer never shows any errors. We would appreciate any help or suggestions to check!
What programming language are you using? Sounds like a code issue, memory leak or the like. I’d recommend starting with looking through the driver station logs.
Any other devices connected to the RIO?
For instance, any I2C Devices, like a color sensor?
We had similar issues this year and it was our double power cable thing powering our radio the connection to the roborio was loose we switched for a new cable and we seem to have fixed it
I had forgotten about that particular issue… See: Known Issues — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation
We dont have any warnings in our driver log. We use java.
We have a lime light and a usb camera
We replaced that earlier with a new one and unfortunately, it did not solve things. Thank you for the suggestion tho!
We do not have anything connected to the I2C ports as of now
Can you post a driver station log from one of the times it has happened? We can help you a little more.
You could have code crashing the robot.
You could be running up against bandwidth limits.
Could be electrical, like loose cables.
Could be brownout.
Could be other things as well.
Can you describe how your network on the robot is connected?
- What is connected to the radio port closest to the power barrel connector?
- What is connected to the radio port furthest from the power barrel?
- How/where does the limelight connect?
Our first ethernet port closest to the power barrel is our orange power/data wire that connects to the VRM 12V/2A and the ethernet port on the RoboRio. Our second port is taken up is our ethernet connection to the limelight. The power to the limelight is connected the PDH with a 5A breaker. We do not have anything in our power barrel connection.
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