Random Thought...

You know what would be cool? If FIRST and MTV became really close. Can anyone in New York work on that? That would be so awesome if MTV covered the Nats or something. Do you have any idea how much Publicity that would be? What does everyone else think?

Ummm… Maybe if we could get celebrities that would be there in person! And not just on video! (Will smith? why not come to nats!)

I think we need someone like Offspring or Prodigy… Just my ideas

Me likes that Idea! But how 'bout someone from acouple genre’s. Rap, metal, pop, etc…

Two years ago we tried to sell MTV on having the cast from “The Real World” be the mentors for a FIRST team as their project for the season. It was being considered all the way down to the end, but didn’t quite make it. Something about “they will have more fun in New Orleans.” Oh well…


If MTV stays away from FIRST, I’ll be happy. Heh.

*Originally posted by evulish *
**If MTV stays away from FIRST, I’ll be happy. Heh. **

Id have to agree. MTV is starting to suck anyway :stuck_out_tongue: I want the old MTV of the 80s back in the days of all rock and Beavis and Butthead :smiley:

*Originally posted by D.J. Fluck *
**Id have to agree. MTV is starting to suck anyway :stuck_out_tongue: I want the old MTV of the 80s back in the days of all rock and Beavis and Butthead :smiley: **
Beavis and Butthead? Ugh! :stuck_out_tongue: Though, I do think that getting more celebs involved would help out FIRST’s cause.

“MTV is to music as KFC is to chicken.” --Lewis Black

But, then again, I’ve also heard that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

By the way, Beavis and Butt-Head was cool.

*Originally posted by FotoPlasma *
But, then again, I’ve also heard that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

Yeah… until people start comparing us to Battlebots and Robot Wars.

beavis and butthead rocked.


*Originally posted by EddieMcD *
**Yeah… until people start comparing us to Battlebots and Robot Wars. **

Or Beavis and Butthead…


I’d imagine that MTV would want more from FIRST than just coverage. They would want either money or TOTAL CONTROL! If somehow MTV did get what they wanted, FIRST would no longer be a nice friendly game of robots. I forsee buzzsaws and flamethrowers. As exciting as we all think the robotics competition is, I’m not sure if it’s something that would drag people to their tv’s to watch…it’s not the most exhilerating thing seen on TV. (I would, of course, watch it…but who knows about anybody else)