Raspberry Pi not connecting to Network Tables

We are using the FRC image for vision processing. Currently, we are set up to process our video feed and send values back to the roboRio through network tables, and use this values to align with targets. It has been working fine up until yesterday. The Pi itself is running the python script and processing the images. If I open the video streams directly from the website, I can see them. However, these values and streams do not show up in our network tables set up.

We have tried connecting to the Pi through Putty and pinging the roboRio directly, and that works just fine, so we have ruled out any communication issues. Also, when we start the python script in our Pi, we are sure that the Pi is starting up as a client for our team’s network. What can we possibly do now to further troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance.

We have been having similar troubles, but currently can’t reproduce it ;-( Note we are using an ODROID processor, not the Pi, but we are using Python CSCore.

I looked at the logs from our competition last week, and in many runs, we never got the log message that NT connected to the Rio.

Both the Rio and coprocessor are on fixed IPs. We even delay starting the vision code until it gets a decent ping to the radio, but that did not seem to help.

Yeah, I talked to our mentor and we set everything to static IP’s and that seemed to do the trick this time… We will do some more testing tomorrow and see if we come across the problem again.

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