Raspberry Pi with Camera

Big confusion time from 4008. We’re trying to hook up a raspberry pi to our robot to enhance our cameras, and we’re completely lost on how to get this thing going. If we use raspbian, we get the good ole desktop view, but we’re not sure on where to go from there. If we use the WPILib instructions, well, we don’t really get anywhere except when you are under raspi-config, and anytime we try to change something (i.e. password), it tells us there was an error. Any ideas?

are you JUST using it to grab camera views? or are you trying to use some software to do vision control such as Chameleon vision?
I know you said you used the WPI instructions but here is the link just in case you haven’t looked at this.
Also, you do want to use FRCVision if you haven’t been already.

4123 is using Chameleon vision and we just downloaded the NOOBs installer and image from chameleon vision, no need for a desktop with Chameleon vision. Here’s our little guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xdOq3EivKEVfhzuQYf__jjZBUIvA9-xuaYjllusk9pI/edit?usp=sharing

However, if @Team_4008 is just trying to get a raw camera feed I am of no use. Chameleon vision has a pipeline that supports both filtered and unfiltered view but we haven’t fiddled around with that yet.

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yes chameleon vision does support “driver mode” which returns back the raw camera capture.

Do you know how to get both on shuffle board?

What do you mean by “both”?
Despite what the answer might be, I was going to test putting the capture on the smartdashboard tomorrow, so I don’t have the answer just yet.

Please post the error so we can help you figure it out. Generally, from raspbian or the wpilib image you should be able to access some sort of terminal. From this terminal you can run ifconfig | grep inet and look for you ipv4 address. From there you can connect your pi to a network using ethernet and connect to it via ssh (ssh pi@raspberrypi, ssh pi@ip, ssh [email protected]). If you use the frcvision image, you can go to http://frcvision.local/ on a computer that is on the same network as the pi.

Both the contour pipeline and driver pipeline

I will try to post a picture tonight when I get access to our laptop. Sorry, most of what’s been said in here has gone over my head. I guess right now we’re going for raw camera feed. Don’t really know anything on Chameleon vision. If I flash the os on WPILib, it’ll run a command prompt-esque login, and if I go to sudo raspi-config, I can’t change anything. I’ve got Raspian running on the Pi, but I don’t have anything past that.

I suggest using FRCVision and using either a USB Cam or A RPI Cam.

Hello all,

When using the WPI Raspberry PI image, the file system is read only by default, this is so that you don’t corrupt the file system during power off. To make it Read-Write, connect to the PI using the Web Page on the PI. http://frcvision.local/, it has a switch to set the read-write of the file system.


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Jim is correct here. You can also set it via ssh by running the command rw (to set read-write) and ro (to set read-only). The other thing to be aware of is that by default the image sets itself back to read-only when you log out of ssh.

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There’s the part I get confused. When using the Raspberry PI image, I don’t have a Web Browser. I just get a terminal view…

For raw feed, I think frcvision is good. If you can’t get it running, search chief Delphi for recent threads that include YUYV.

There’s a gap that we’re missing. FRCVision only pulls up a terminal, and if we go to sudo raspi-config, and ask to change the password, it’ll let you input one like normal, and then it’ll say Option 1 isn’t available right now. We’re lost on what to do after flashing with this OS.

I would recommend using Chameleon-Vision. Also, use static IP’s so that everything talks and doesn’t have to wait for address assignment. Follow the directions on Chamleon’s website and you should be able to get an image.

Book mark the Pi’s address with port number (10.TE.AM.XX:5800) and make it the default web page to load on the DS laptop. Then every time you open the browser (Do not use win IE, use chrome or firefox) it will open the Chameleon-Vision browser interface. From there you can choose cameras and Drivers View.

I would also recommend using a e-net switch with the radio. This will allow you to connect the DS laptop to the robot’s lan in the Pits at competition.

Next step try doing some “vision-processing” and see if you can get values via network tables.

Good Luck!

You don’t need to use local display output from the pi. It acts as a web server.If you have not done so, run an ethernet cable from the pi to the robot radio. Use a browser on the drivers station or any device on the radio’s wireless network. The frcvision.local URL might require bonjour to be installed on the device for mDNS to find it. Once you connect you might want to assign a static IP and your team number.

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