Posted on the official FRC Teams Twitter:
If we can get 50 more “Likes” on our FB page, plus 100 more Twitter followers, you get a REAL 2014 gamehint. omgrobots
Get at it!
Source: https://twitter.com/FRCTeams/status/414112249616158720
EDIT: As requested, a separate thread has been created since the hint has been released. Please direct all discussion regarding the 2014 game hint here: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1315068
I see 254’s little trick has caught on!
The FB likes have gone up more than 50 since I saw the message. Twitter increase seems to be going at a slower rate.
Looks like my prediction will be right for the second year in a row
I’ll be off CD for the next few days while you guys analyze each individual pixel
Currently at 5,090 followers on Twitter. How many more do they need?
edit: just broke 5,100.
So Excited for the new season
I am just guessing crazy stuff to happen
4 robot teams.
3 alliance matches.
Well I gotta hand it to FIRST, this is certainly an easy big P.R. campaign :rolleyes:
It looks like FIRST is checking Twitter as often as we do: https://twitter.com/FRCTeams/status/414120622298779648
>GDC posts picture of a water bottle
>Half Life 3 confirmed
So has the official game hint been announced? where will we be able to tell if its official or not?
Usually posted up here: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/blog
That’s the “official” portal for FIRST news
Gah… why did I follow them a month ago! WHY!
So, does anyone have the initial numbers?
It’s being posted from an official channel of FIRST, that’s how we know it’s for real.
They’re definitely up at least 50 Twitter followers by now.
And I thought I was going to do something productive tonight…
You are doing something productive tonight…guessing the game!
Does anybody know What the initial numbers were
I’ve seen that before, I believe it is a glitch.
Plot twist: Instead of posting the hint on Twitter or Facebook, they post a video hint on YouTube where nobody is checking :yikes: