Reality has a surprising amount of detail (Blog Post)
My dad emigrated from Colombia to North America when he was 18 looking looking for a better life. For my brother and I that meant a lot of standing outside in the cold. My dad’s preferred method of improving his lot was improving lots, and my brother and I were “voluntarily” recruited to help working on the buildings we owned.
That’s how I came to spend a substantial part of my teenage years replacing fences, digging trenches, and building flooring and sheds. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this building, it’s that reality has a surprising amount of detail.
This turns out to explain why its so easy for people to end up intellectually stuck. Even when they’re literally the best in the world in their field.
This blog post was mentioned in a podcast I was listening to, and I thought it was so good I wanted to pass it along here. When I was a student, I think FRC was the first time I realized how reality has a surprising amount of detail. Reading the post I reflected on my own behavior, which is something along the lines of my awareness of that surprising amount of complexity in everything can stop me from attempting things I could probably eventually work through. Similarly it is interesting to think in the age of COTS, do students get the same dose of detail awareness that we used to when basically nothing was plug and play? Maybe they don’t, and also maybe that’s a good thing?