EDIT: This Google Doc will be updated as new information is gathered: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pvq5-V_d9qncUaWsbMM62TCGSA2XE01G4wRSz9LfEMo/edit
So I got interested in stats about match videos over the years so I decided to try calculating it. I stuck with districts only because a lot of events just don’t have the access or staff to do stuff like this.
The order is event codes that didn’t have EVERY match uploaded to TBA, num of events missing matches / total events, and then the number of missing matches per district with total matches too
Prior to 2013 all events are missing most match videos with 100% of events missing a video.
'2013mibed', '2013midet', '2013migbl', '2013migul', '2013miliv', '2013misjo', '2013mitry', '2013miwfd', '2013miwmi', '2013mrcmp', '2013njewn', '2013njlen', '2013paphi']
13 / 16 = 0.812500
districts: [fim, mar]
missing : [706, 202]
total : [1005, 552]
'2014mibed', '2014micen', '2014micmp', '2014miesc', '2014migul', '2014mihow', '2014miket', '2014milan', '2014miliv', '2014mimid', '2014misjo', '2014misou', '2014mitvc', '2014miwat', '2014miwmi', '2014mrcmp', '2014njbri', '2014njfla', '2014njtab', '2014pahat', '2014paphi', '2014ctgro', '2014cthar', '2014ctsou', '2014mabos', '2014mawor', '2014melew', '2014nhdur', '2014nhnas', '2014rismi', '2014orore', '2014orosu', '2014orwil', '2014pncmp', '2014waamv', '2014wache', '2014waell', '2014wamou', '2014washo', '2014wasno']
40 / 44 = 0.909091
districts: [fim, mar, ne, pnw]
missing : [756, 207, 291, 505]
total : [1573, 684, 941, 949]
'2015incmp', '2015inind', '2015inwla', '2015mibed', '2015micen', '2015micmp', '2015miesc', '2015mifla', '2015migul', '2015mihow', '2015miken', '2015miket', '2015milan', '2015miliv', '2015misjo', '2015misou', '2015mista', '2015mitry', '2015mitvc', '2015miwat', '2015miwmi', '2015njnbr', '2015njtab', '2015padre', '2015ctwat', '2015mabos', '2015manda', '2015marea', '2015maspr', '2015melew', '2015necmp', '2015nhdur', '2015orore', '2015orphi', '2015orwil', '2015pncmp', '2015waahs', '2015waamv', '2015waell', '2015washo', '2015wasno', '2015waspo']
42 / 53 = 0.792453
districts: [in, fim, mar, ne, pnw]
missing : [13, 918, 172, 323, 516]
total : [346, 1964, 741, 1028, 936]
'2016mdbet', '2016mdblr', '2016mdedg', '2016vabla', '2016vados', '2016vahay', '2016vapor', '2016miann', '2016mibro', '2016micen', '2016micmp', '2016miesc', '2016mihow', '2016mike2', '2016miket', '2016milak', '2016milan', '2016milsu', '2016mimar', '2016misjo', '2016misou', '2016mista', '2016mitry', '2016mitvc', '2016miwat', '2016miwmi', '2016inwch', '2016inwla', '2016njtab', '2016pahat', '2016ncash', '2016ncbui', '2016nccmp', '2016ncmcl', '2016ncral', '2016ctwat', '2016mabos', '2016marea', '2016melew', '2016necmp', '2016nhgrs', '2016ripro', '2016gaalb', '2016gacmp', '2016gacol', '2016gadal', '2016gaken', '2016orore', '2016orphi', '2016pncmp', '2016waahs', '2016waamv', '2016waell', '2016wamou', '2016waspo']
55 / 73 = 0.753425
districts: [chs, fim, in, mar, nc, ne, pch, pnw]
missing : [371, 413, 59, 9, 282, 180, 329, 161]
total : [763, 2271, 344, 764, 383, 1060, 413, 929]
2017 thus far
'2017mdbet', '2017mdedg', '2017mdowi', '2017vagle', '2017vahay', '2017miann', '2017mibro', '2017micen', '2017miesc', '2017migay', '2017migul', '2017mihow', '2017mike2', '2017miken', '2017miket', '2017milak', '2017milan', '2017milsu', '2017mimid', '2017misjo', '2017misou', '2017mitry', '2017miwmi', '2017inpmh', '2017inwla', '2017iscmp', '2017isde1', '2017isde2', '2017isde3', '2017isde4', '2017njfla', '2017njtab', '2017pahat', '2017paphi', '2017pawch', '2017ncash', '2017nccmp', '2017ncgre', '2017ncral', '2017ncwin', '2017cthar', '2017ctwat', '2017mabos', '2017marea', '2017melew', '2017nhbed', '2017nhgrs', '2017ripro', '2017onbar', '2017onlon', '2017onosh', '2017onto1', '2017onto2', '2017onwat', '2017onwin', '2017gaalb', '2017gacol', '2017gadal', '2017gagai', '2017orlak', '2017orore', '2017orwil', '2017waahs', '2017waamv', '2017waell', '2017wamou', '2017waspo']
67 / 78 = 0.858974359
districts: [chs, fim, in, isr, mar, nc, ne, ont, pch, pnw]
missing : [397, 196, 3, 262, 305, 274, 201, 485, 198, 144]
total : [634, 1816, 268, 381, 616, 394, 949, 586, 355, 786]
Currently active methods of uploading (that I know of) (in order of most used to least used):
FIM - Manual (and a custom script) + FRC-Video-Splitter
IN - FRC-YouTube-Uploader
NE - FRC-Video-Splitter + manual(?)
PNW - FRC-Video-Splitter + manual
if you know more let me know here
From 2013 - 16 we see a good increase in the consistency of uploads. I think this is because A/V crews realized the benefit for teams. However in 2017 so far we aren’t doing too great. I expected the increasing number of events to cause the percentage to go up, but that has only happened this year and in 2014. I think the biggest things to pull from this are that key volunteers are clearly too few and we need to be training more people to upload matches consistently. I think the benefit to the teams is invaluable and can only be seen when they are consistently uploaded.
I hope that this data is useful to someone out there, I was just intrigued by what we would see.
Gist of the code I used to gather the data is here: https://gist.github.com/NikhilNarayana/b58e1b906c2ad0cbbf2ac09f0639fc31
It won’t give the exact same data for 2017 because I decremented the total events for each event that hasn’t happened yet after it was run.