Recover build code from crio

Is there away to recover the build code from the crio. We do not need the labview code just the build file so we can deploy it again if needed.

To give you a little background we have code on the robot that is permanently deployed and the code work well. However we would like to make some changes to make the robot better. The problem is the most recent version of the code has been lost. we think we know how to get the old code to where it was but we want something to fallback on if things go wrong.

If you look at the FRC Robot Boot-up Deployment Properties, you will see fields for the Target filename and Target destination directory. By default, the executable robot code is in c:
on the cRIO. You can use ftp to retrieve that file and save it somewhere safe.

Thanks you very much for your help. Will we be able to redeploy that software again?

ftp works both ways. Put the file back in its original location in the cRIO filesystem and it should work just as it did before.