Recycle Rush Game Manual Test

I have posted a Game Manual Test as a White Paper:
FRC 2015 Game Manual Test

Thanks topandamonium for providing good raw material.

In the past, I had people PM me for the test, but as pandamonium will vouch, the demand can be overwhelming.
Hence the more efficient open source approach this time.

This is a test that you are free to edit, hence the lack of numbers for the questions. (SigFigs :slight_smile: )
It is an MSWord document and a pdf.

It is designed to test your team (mentors included) on the Manual and familiarize them with the game and its vagaries this year.
Frank was quite sincere when he said that change was coming.

It is separated into 4 parts:
The Game, Qualifications & Eliminations, The Robot, and the Drive Team. (Do you know what the LEDS at the bottom of the driver glass signify?)

The test should help to winnow your team members to their respective roles, while improving their understanding of the logistics of a competition as well as Project Management.

I have an answer key, and if you PM me with your email address, I will send it.
But you should try to make your own answer key.
It will release more cogitative endorphins.

PM me with any feedback. The test. like our Robots, can be better.

Bump the thread with your comments if you find the test useful so more teams may find it.

Thanks for the props Pandamonium.

I am bumping this thread as I accidentally double posted and have asked Brandon to delete the discussion thread.

Neat! I never considered using something as simple as a test like this to help train scouts and drive team to really learn the game. This is really useful. It covers the basics and more, and it’ll save everyone the time of having to learn the game as they watch during competitions.

Out of curiosity, if there are any amendments to any game rules will you edit this test?

Some errors:

"How many upside down containers does each alliance start the match with?"
There are no upside down recycling containers, only totes.

"A robot stacks a tote on top of a stack of 6 totes. How much is the stack worth?"
The stack should be worth 12 points. The *tote *itself is worth 0, because if there is a stack of 6 totes it would always extend above the backstop. “Penalty, 0, 2, and 28” aren’t correct.

I was going to point this out, but it is also ambiguous to whether or not the stack is placed on a scoring platform.

Also: For the sake of unified terminology, you should probably use “playoffs” instead of “eliminations”

"How many “Time-Outs” are allowed per team in the Eliminations."*

"All 2015 events will be played with alliances of 3 during the Eliminations"
The question is good, but the wording may be misleading considering the CMP tournament difference.

Yep, I will fix these.

You are correct.

“All 2015 events will be played with alliances of 3 during the Eliminations”
The question is good, but the wording may be misleading considering the CMP tournament difference.

True, but the discussion of the answer will lead to a conversation about Backup Teams and the CMP format.

Thanks to everyone for the proofreading so far.
You are free to correct these questions on your copies.
Please let me know about any other errors that you find, or clarifications that may be needed.

I hope to post an improved test by the weekend.

Great resource for teams, thanks for sharing!

Uploaded new files with corrections.

Question: Should I only send the answer key to mentors?

No, senior students may be conducting the test for their team. I wrote and administered some of our test.

If the student is resourceful enough to track you down on CD for it, give it to them, because they’ll already know the answer. :wink:

Great, thanks for putting this together again this year!

I’ll be handing it out to my kids today. :slight_smile:

Our team has been taking this test - we did one part yesterday and a second part today. It’s fun and great at promoting discussion about the rules. Thanks for putting it together…

I did some grading of tests today and found a few errors on the Answer Key. I sent you a PM.

Thanks again!

The Answer Key has a few errors.

  • The tele-op time answer was incorrect.
  • Not the RoboRio, but the Power Distribution Board.
  • Is pneumatic tubing a component or a device? Open to debate.