got to watch the game tonight w/ my Girlfriend (who is a yankees fan) and let me tell you… there is no better feeling than having to comfort your GF because her team lost, and for me personally seeing the Boston Red Sox for the first time in my life go to the World Series… nothing better my friends… have a good night…
Yes, this is so awesome. Sox ALL the way.
Second time I’ve seen the Sox in the Series (okay, it was around my first birthday when it happened last). However, I kinda gotta say this:
This will go down in history as quite possibly the greatest LCS in baseball history. They were down 3-0, and came back to win 4 in a row. To quote my favorite spaceship captain: “We’ve done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.” (geek points for anyone who gets this reference)
One more for the road:
If you can’t root for one underdog (the Cubbies) you root for another…
It was amazing.
Ortiz is the man.
And I love johnny.
So good.
Back to the massive partying on the street
for all those who dont know what i mean, Kevin Millar coined his team '“idiots” after the season ended
Is was actually Damon but whatever, it doesnt matter. We came back from a 0-3 deficet(sp?) to win. We did it aganist the Yankees, and we beat them in there house. Boo yea. Who ever we play it will be a tough set of games. Red Sox in 7 just because thats the way they do it.
:ahh: WOOHOO!!! :ahh:
3 days to catch up on all that lost sleep from the ALCS series, 3 days to make the beatufil COWBOY UP sign for my Living Room window…
Red Sox are GOING TO THE SERIES!!! :eek:
Yep, same here. As a Cubs fan I have sympathy for the Red Sox. Let’s hope the Cubs front office can go out and get some more talent during the off season like the Sox did.
Next year - Go Cubs
This year - Go Red Sox
Andy B.
I’ll root for anyone that beats the Yankees, because I can’t stand them, and since I’m living near Boston now, and have no ties to The Cardinals or The Astros, I’ll be rooting for the sox
Yankees are like sourkraut, neither have any good taste and I’m glad they aren’t on any plate.
Go Sox.
It was incredible being in Boston for this. Particularly because I live about two blocks from Fenway Park. After departing a bar after the game I walked past Fenway. Me and about a couple thousand other people. There were so many cops there it was insane. There was riot cops, mounted police and a row of motorcyles about 50 long. Several helecopters flew overhead. News trucks had been here all week and they had their cameras out talking to fans. Right before Brookline Ave goes over the Mass Pike there is a building with a large sign on it (Red Sox sign, I believe). About 10 people climbed up on the building and then to the sign and danced on the sign all while the police watched. People were beeping their horns everywhere you went. Hanging out the windows screaming, “Go Red Sox!”
EDIT: Someone decided to light a car on fire on Boylston Street in front of Burger King. Flames literally engulfed the whole vehicle. The crowd around it kept their distance because everyone thought it would explode. Once the firefighters got there the fire was under control in about a minute.
This story will be passed on by us to our grandkids
“Grandpap, tell me again about Damon’s Curse.”
“Well, 86 years ago, their was an evil selfish prig who thot he could buy a World Series whenever he wanted.”
“We know better, don’t we papi.”
“Yes grandson, the poor devil didn’t know anything about baseball and he sold his soul to the devil and old washed up pitchers. The God blessed Red Sox took a lesson from the Good Book about faith and heart, even tho they were down 3-0 and only the truly faithful and a handful of sauced customers from Cheers believed it could still be done. They started the Comeback as the evil empire started the Choke. They rolled up their sleeves and went to work with courage and teamwork and Papi’s clutch bat.”
" But why haven’t the Yankees won anything in the last eighty years,papi?"
"Well, God chose a curiously wellhaired young player…
“Damon” squealed his grandson with delight.
“Yes, grandson, God chose Damon as His instrument of punishment on the evil empire and ever since then all the ladies of New York have thick facial hair and their baseball team has endured the Curse.”
With that Grandma entered with milk and cookies and said,“You two aren’t rehearsing the curse of ARod again are you?”
God bless the Red Sox!!!
All Overrated.
Detroit Tigers all the way next year…
As an Indians fan, anyone who kills the Yankees gets my vote!
AMEN The Red Sox is my new second favorite team, ofcourse my favorite is the cubbies. I think the Red Sox can take both astros or cardinals.
I LOVE THE RED SOX! i hate the cards and the astros. I love to bet, so anyone who wants to bet The Red Sox will win the world series, bring it lol Yeah, the Red Sox can definetly beat both the cards and/or astros. whoo its about time that the Yankees take a break from playoffs/world series lol
-Court- :yikes:
Go Sox… The best part is, is that one of my teachers, who is a die hard sox fan on Tuesday said they wouldn’t win, and was joking with a kid who had a sox shirt on. I happened to have that teacher again today, and everyone in the class was ranking on him because he said it wasn’t gonna happen. His reasoning behind the comment according to him “Reverse Psychology”. It was a great day, especially because most of my friends are Yankees fans too.
wow… i just went on ticketmaster to see if they are selling tickets… and i searched for “World Series” and this is what i found…
also i went to i belive… and the cheapest 1 seat is going for over 1500!!! gg i only have 800 to spend =(
EDIT : wow… just went to thier site again and did a WS search… and looky who was the early favorite in the NLCS =X