I figured plenty of teams will have questions on the rules, so I figured I’d make a forum for everyone to ask and answer them.
Our’s is - the robot can only start at 3’6” and extend up another 1’6” (Page 76) to a total of 5’. The top of the reef is 6’. Do you have to shoot the coral? Or are we reading wrong? This would make no sense.
I’d imagine this would depend on the inflation of the ball. Is there a certain psi specified? I imagine you have to inflate yourself so that should be specified too.
G433 *SCORING ELEMENT delivery. SCORING ELEMENTS may only be entered onto the FIELD as follows:
A. CORAL may only be introduced to the FIELD by a HUMAN PLAYER or DRIVER through the CORAL
B. ALGAE may only be entered onto the FIELD by a HUMAN PLAYER in their PROCESSOR AREA
I don’t believe so. The laser to score the balls is in between where it gets scored and when it rolls to the other human player. Also, your human player is at the opponents scoring spot. So, no.
There is no psi limit defined, but there is a diameter specification in 5.7.2 Algae the ball will be inflated till it has a diameter between 15.5 and 16.5 regardless of pressure.
6.5.2 ROBOT Scoring Criteria (PAGE 47/48)
To qualify for LEAVE points, a ROBOT must move such that its BUMPERS no longer overlap its ROBOT
STARTING LINE at the end of AUTO.
To qualify for PARK points, a ROBOT’S BUMPERS must be partially or completely contained in their BARGE
ZONE at the end of the MATCH and does not meet the criteria for CAGE points.
To qualify for CAGE points, a ROBOT must be contacting a CAGE (with the exception of the ANCHOR), not
contacting the carpet, and may additionally contact only the following elements:
Section 6 Game Details V0 48 of 160
B. another ROBOT qualified for CAGE points,
C. a partner ROBOT contacted by an opponent in violation of G428, and
D. an opponent ROBOT.
Do we have to disassemble and reassemble our swerve drive modules for the new season? “R303 *Create new designs and software, unless they’re public. ROBOT software and designs created before
Kickoff are only permitted if the source files (complete information sufficient to produce the design) are available publicly prior to Kickoff.”
If we have a robot score in the processor, then have the human player miss the barge throw intentionally, is the ball dead, or is it legal to then return that same ball back to the processor, and get another 6 points?
You are feeding to the opposing team, so I don’t think they would miss intentionally. You get 6 points for feeding to them, they have the option of throwing it in for 4 points.
It’s not your human player, but the opponent’s human player that can score the processed algae for 4 points for the opponent’s team. There’s no incentive for them to intentionally miss.
From what I can tell there is no vertical expansion limit. The rule says vertical projection of the robot perimeter and then has an image below showing what it means by that definition which shows it as a horizontal limitation not a vertical one.