Referee touch screen stations

Does anyone have any pictures, screen shots, or manuals for the Referee scoring stations and the head refs touch screen station from this year?

We are working on a custom control system for a field and would like to include these features.


Standard panels attached. I think I have a head ref screen shot somewhere too, but I haven’t found it yet, sorry.

Awesome, thanks Siri.

IIRC, the Head ref’s screen looks similar to the attached pictures (sorry for the cheesy ms paint).

During a match, the head ref monitors the 4 ref stations. The amount of fouls and technical fouls for each alliance from each station are displayed. The head ref could not input fouls or technical fouls from the head ref panel.

At the end of the match, a screen will appear with the climb points, or rather level each robot made it to as entered by the refs. The yellow triangle with the exclamation point indicates that the two refs data entries do not match (eg Ref 1 entered a level 1 climb and ref 4 entered no climb). The head ref can change the input of the climb by tapping the number or yellow symbol. I believe there is also a climb valid box for each robot on this screen, but don’t remember. The submit button sends the scores to the scoring table.

Then another screen appears with a button for field reset (Green lights turn on for teams to get their robots).

Hope this helps. I was a ref at three events and filled in several matches as head ref during an event. It has been a while since I have seen these, so it may be slightly off; however, I think you get the jist of it.

Here is the document I was given.

Panel manual.pdf (776 KB)

Panel manual.pdf (776 KB)

Well, the CD Community comes thru again. You guys are beyond awesome. This is exactly what I needed.

Many thanks!

I was close…