Refnum Issue

If someone can explain to me a resolution on for this?

Possibly this as well

It looks like your RefNum gets in teleop don’t match the ones in begin. Make sure all your names match between the two and you’re not calling something that doesn’t exist (make sure you actually initialized a Joystick 1, etc.).

If you can’t find it, post a screenshot of your

Er, that’s just your teleop again. I’d like to see begin.

my bad

My get’s an error as well

Are you trying to run begin and teleop directly? You should be running robot main, which calls those in turn. That would cause your refnum issues in teleop.

If that is the issue, how would i go about fixing that, because we have a robot main. Do you want me to send a picture of that too?

No, simply click the run arrow on robot main, then see if there’s any issues. Robot main will execute then execute in a loop once you enable the robot on the driver station; you don’t need to run those vi’s directly yourself.

We get that error when it tries to run from robot

It looks like the rio is in a weird state from trying to run teleop before running begin. Try rebooting the roboRIO to run robot main from a fresh state.

No, that didn’t do anything, we’ve still got the same error

Do you mean to be running this on a real physical roboRIO or on your computer as a simulation? Right now it’s running on your PC. Try opening the LabVIEW project file and then opening Robot and running it.

That’s what im doing now

Hmm, that’s weird. I don’t see any code problems at this point; for some reason, your DIOs are throwing an error, but they look fine to me. You haven’t modified robot main, have you?

Not that we know of, When we enable the Robot code, one set of wheels are spinning non stop.

You are definately not deploying to the roboRIO. If you were you would see something like this in the lower left corner of each window to the left of the horizontal scroll bar. You may already have other code in the roboRIO.

We’ve tried to deploy new code into the roboRio but, it wont let us because of an error

The target can be set in a similar looking bar in the bottom left corner of the front panel (the gray window) of robot main. What is the target listed as there?