Regal Eagles 2869 | 2025 Build Blog | Open Alliance

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Regal Eagle’s 2025 Build Blog. We are based out of Bethpage, New York, and have around 30-40 active members. We meet everyday except Sundays. To continue our documentation efforts from last season, we aim to update this blog for each week we are in the lab. All reposts of this blog will also be on our website.

This blog is put together by our operations team with information provided by each of our subgroups.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, and we will do our best to reply to them!

FRC Open Alliance Directory | 2025 REEFSCAPE Season


Here is an unofficial score sheet for Reefscape created by our team:




On Saturday, January 4th, our team held a live viewing of the FIRST FRC Kick-Off stream. After the stream we held a strategy and design meeting where upperclassmen broke off into groups with underclassmen to work on strategies and possible designs for our bot. 4 teams presented their ideas of what they thought our strategy this year should be, algae-bot, coral-bot, mixed, shallow climber, or deep climber.

After a long day of strategizing, we decided to play the game. We set up a fake field using gym equipment and “played” the game. We were so happy to see so many of our alumni come and visits also!


On Monday, team leadership met to go over the kick-off strategizing meeting and what the team came up with. This led to them looking for possible designs that we could implement on our bot to maximize our bot efficiency. We researched published CAD designs to get inspirations for our design.


After the reveal of the field, our carpentry team members started construction of field parts. Our team holds an annual event called Regal Eagle Rampage in which we build an exact replica of the field for teams to practice on. The carpentry team started construction of the field as the field was revealed to be much larger than last year’s. By the end of the week the processors were completely built.


Once we got the KOP Bot (Kit Of Parts) we started building the chassis. We had upperclassmen work with the freshmen so the freshmen can gain experience on building a robot. We decided to build the Long Kit Bot.


This week we had team members prototype how a robot could score during a match. We built mechanisms that could pick up coral and algae. We did not attach the mechanisms to a bot as the goal was just to get an idea of how the mechanisms would work.


We had multiple team members take inventory of specific parts such as: sprockets, belts, Kraken Motors, churros, REV motor controllers, among other specific tools. We will use our inventory to determine if we need to order new parts.