Do we have to have a light this year? We did not recieve one with the kit and i checked the kit of parts for it but i found nothing. I also checked the rule book but same result.
Do we have to have a light?
Do we have to have a light this year? We did not recieve one with the kit and i checked the kit of parts for it but i found nothing. I also checked the rule book but same result.
Do we have to have a light?
you MUST have a signal light, it is a small square light. If it didn’t come in your kit, you should be able to request a replacement from TIMS
There is a signal light in the kit this year. It is different than last year’s light. On the KOP check list it is listed as the second part on page 22 “LED Flasher”
Wiring instructions and mounting requirements are located in Team Update 5
Do we have to have a light?
Yes there is a light in the kit of parts this year. It is square and about 1 1/2 inches wide. It is white and has many different colored wires coming out of it. I believe that it came in the white electronics box.
You guys are fast. Three answers while I was still looking for the page number in the KOP checklist.
The light should have been in the control system box.
Thanks for the quick responses.
It is appreciated. I thought it was going to look the same as last years, but i know we have one like that.
You guys are fast. Three answers while I was still looking for the page number in the KOP checklist.
Thats what the internet (and people) are for!