Ok, so the bet was made as to whether an alliance would ever be able to score three keepers in autonomous. I was in the “it will never happen much less three in a row” camp. Now that regionals are over has it happened yet? Will it happen in Atlanta? How close did it get to happening? Two on and almost a third? One on and almost a second? Personally, I never saw more than one ringer per match attempted by the same alliance. What alliance and at what regional scored the highest at the end on the autonomous period? 2 points? 4 points? 8 points?
1114 and 67 got two in a row (vertically) twice.
39 and 987 kept getting really close to scoring two in a row horizontally in Vegas, but they never hit autonomous in the same match if I remember correctly.
At GSR, 1073 and 500 both scored in the same match in Autonomous once. They weren’t adjacent, but they were on the same row, so that made for a 2 tube lead when working on a horizontal row.
L.A. and San Diego were lucky to get one in a match. The one match that three attempted (S.D.), only one made it and one was on the other alliance from the other two. As for the alliance creation (with the ability)-- possibly 330, 696, and 835 at S.D. 330 made it (L.A. and San Diego), 696 attempted at L.A., and I’m not sure about 835’s capabilities. Having an alliance actually do it probably won’t happen. (I’ll settle for three robots on an alliance actually moving in auto mode).
At NJ, Chesapeake, and Philly, you saw a single autonomous tube maybe 1/5th of the time. I never personally saw a double.
Yeah, in the spur of the moment, we changed our autonomous to hit the spider on the side instead of the one dead center, but we never really tested this…so all of it was dead reckoning. We did this instead of having one robot go middle and one go low on the same column because we were afraid of hitting one another and not getting even one tube on. I hope to see two robots (or even three) create a horizontal row in autonomous.
Does anyone ever remember if all three robots on the same alliance ever even all started with keepers at any regional?
I don’t think any did in Philly… It was rare to see even one team have one, let alone get it on the rack
MOE 365 was the only one I seen in Philly, I think 272 might of scored one (they were scoring at the practice rack, and it looked really good).
Autonomous is just really hard this year. Too many variables - and some teams would run into the rack, shaking it, making it easier to miss. Last year it was probably the easiest, just position, and shoot like crazy in 15 seconds. We gave it our all and couldn’t score one.
341 scored a keeper during the quarter-finals against us, and I remember that the Firebirds tried scoring a keeper on more than one occasion, but I don’t remember if they ever got it on or not. That’s all I can remember in terms of auto periods in Philly
I agree, the dynamic positions of the rack make things difficult compared to last year’s stationary goal. The 10 point bonus in addition to all the points scored to earn that bonus was a major plus, a lot more helpful than a ringer that can’t have a spoiler on it.
And it was 10 seconds last year for auto, I believe.