Regionals Question

I’m not sure where to put this, so I decided to put it here. Mods/Admins, if you wish to move this, please do :smiley:

Anywho, back to my topic. I am just curious, why are there so many teams against us (team #5). Last year I didn’t hear as many (if any) anti-team-5 chants.

I’m not complaining though, just wondering. Please post your (team’s) reason.

I can’t speak for 818, as I haven’t heard anyone complain about your team - heck, all I remember hearing about 5 is that we should have gone to suck up to you so that you would have picked us. :slight_smile:

That said…I’d choose jealousy as the main reason. You’ve won two competitions and did well in Palmetto - share the success, darn it! :smiley:

lol, a few teams did that actually.

This has just been our year, and I’m proud of what we’ve done for the ~7 years that the RoboCards have been in FIRST (even though this is my 2nd year). Every team that we beat, lost to, tied w/, etc… has been great.

[On a side note: I think 818 was on our list as possible allies.]

Thanks for your reply also.